A short time ago I ran into a friend, Chuck, we began talking about projects started and never finished or projects completed and no longer played. Chuck suggested that we should hold a Wargamer's Swap Meet. The sort of thing that motorcycle types and mothers of small children do. Everybody brings their excess goodies and we all get together and trade/sell toys.
This seems like a truly Brilliant Idea to me. I have tons of stuff that I am pretty sure I won't live long enough to finish, even if I were still interested in it.
What I am looking for is to see if there is a level of interest from other gamers, ask your friends and associates if they have surplus items that they would be willing to bring to a swap meet. If there is sufficient interest I can host it at my house, if there is a lot of folks wanting in I could probably swing access to an indoor venue in July some weekend.
If you are interested and have stuff to swap post a comment with the type of items (period, scale that sort of thing). Maybe we can do this as a virtual swap meet if we can't all get together in one place.
I am off to the dungeon to conduct an inventory. John
I have 15mm ACW, 15mm American Revolution, 28mmm French and Indians, 25mm Ancients/Dark Ages/Middle Ages, 20mm WW2 tanks, 20mm WW1 (metal), some 28mm colonials, I am sure there is more, that is all I can come up with now.