My tiny little blog has been swamped with spam comments. I apologize to everyone who wishes to post a comment, any and all comments will be cleared through to the blog but I don't want to be seen to be endorsing Pakistani "Escort Services" or Indonesian "Computer Solutions" and such. All other comments (good, bad, or indifferent) WILL be posted, I check several times a day to clear the moderation box out, please don't view this as an attempt to control or limit the discussion.
I had to do the same thing a few months back. There's always someone to ruin the fun for the good guys.
ReplyDeleteI had to do the same thing with my blog. Some of the english from the spammers is comically bad and does provide me a little satisfaction that there are people with worse spelling and grammar than me!
ReplyDeleteI had some spam for the first time last week. It’s annoying. 😀
ReplyDeleteWait a minute! Are we talking about that irritating habit of some despicable people leaving red-herring comments on your blog, or that fine food product made from some part of a pig?
ReplyDeleteI had the same problem. Last week....