Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Dusty Projects XV, Polish Light Cavalry 15mm

       I won't bore you with the "while I was painting these" photos, you can find all sorts of that stuff further down the blog. Here they are ready to roll (that is as son as the matte spray dries) the famed Polish Light Cavalry LISOWCZYCY!  Based for Tercio rules these are skirmish cavalry that scout and pave the way for the dreaded Winged Hussars.

seriously, they are shiny because the Vallejo Matte Spray takes a bit to dry

with the bases sanded and awaiting flocking

I did have to refurbish one of the Hussar bases

under the rules they are fast and hit hard, but lack staying power

I just like troops that go to war with a lance, javelin, bow, arquebus, pistol, sword and shield!

the old Minifigs were nice figures too, I wonder how the molds have held up
or if they are even still in production


  1. Great job on this famous and colorful cavalry!

  2. Amazing what you can find while quarantined by Witchmer. My Japanese tea house is almost finished running. The old Ender 3 has been having a worked out.. Nice paint job, Buddy

  3. Great additions to your Winged Hussars. The Poles of this era are both colorful and powerful! As far as the multi-armed, I recall the Gush rules with all the add ons - basically translated as "oh heck, let's throw in the kitchen sink, too!" :-)

  4. They are stunning, as expected, beautiful work!

    Based on my "stellar" record as a cavalry commander, I think I should command them in their first battle to "properly" give them their baptism in fire.

    1. That is a deal, as soon as we can assemble for a game without risking arrest I will give you command of the entire Polish army. With your track record commanding cavalry it should be an interesting game.
