Sunday, June 16, 2024

D-Day at Michigan Toy Soldier, a Bolt Action extravaganza

        The good folks at Michigan Toy Soldier celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-Day by running a Bolt Action game spread across three tables and three sessions. To my dismay I was only able to attend for a short while and snap some pictures to the very nice terrain and the lovely miniatures. The scenario was the two US beaches; Utah and Omaha, and the US Paratrooper drop behind the lines to take out German artillery emplacements. The store was packed and everyone was having a grand time playing, I had to squeeze in between turns to get my pictures. So, with no more ado (and a sad lack of commentary to provide context) here are the pictures.

the paratrooper table, nasty Germans lurking about in the shrubbery

and behind walls as well

the bold American lads ready for action!

sneaky Krauts even brought auto-cannons!

the formidable defenses of the Atlantic Wall confronted the amphibious forces

the bunkers were some 3-D prints and some Sarissa (IIRC)

G.I.s packed into landing craft with no more protection than sheet metal and prayers
I could never decide if the crews of the DD Shermans were amazingly brave
 or simply out of their minds

back at the Paratrooper table the U.S. has arrived in force
the Germans lay in wait....

but the Americans have a job to do....

....and they will not be delayed!
the beachhead is a dangerous place but at least it is solid ground

hard decisions, keep pressing forward? or stop and return fire?

the Germans only job was to stand firm

       I apologize to everybody for not being able to provide a better coverage of this event. With any luck we can lean on Drew to bring this to some of the local conventions!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man that is a lot of Bolt Action. Looks like some nice setup, hopefully everyone had fun.

