Monday, December 14, 2020

Plane Crazy

        A near-brush with Covid and the resulting upsetting of my schedule left me with precious little time for hobby stuff over the last couple of weeks. The odd hours that I had I spent finishing up a few aircraft models for various wargaming applications. First I finished up the airliners for the Cold War in Africa  games that R.U.P. has been running, then I built and painted a couple of Korean War U.S. Navy models for a friend of mine. These all were a refreshing change from slogging through dozens of soldiers (an effort that I will soon return to) as they are all one-off projects and a subject matter that I haven't dealt with in years (, decades).

       First we return to some anonymous African airport circa 1965;

an old WW2 workhorse
 soldiering on in the service of the mythical Tatesavy United Airline
dirt runways and rough conditions don't worry this old warhorse

but, it is 1965 and the new airport in the capital can take jets...

.....connected to all the world, bring on the trade and tourism! 
      Next we visit the early years of the 1950's and the beginnings of Communist adventuring on the strife-torn peninsula of the Koreas..... 

1/72 scale F9F-2 Panther from Hasegawa 
this little kit was so easy to assemble that I forgot to take pictures

the fit was perfect 
with only a tiny amount of sanding needed to make the seams disappear
the decals were ultra-thin

the Navy apparently had no intention of camouflaging these birds

four cannon, and six rockets.....just to be sure
on the other hand..... 
the nicest thing I can say about this model is that it didn't bite me
at least the pilot looked almost human

the model was marred by excessive draft angles and rampant flash

the parts fit was terrible with very prominent seams 

detail was heavy with massive rivets and raised panel lines,
note the massive gaps at the wing-joints

sanding can only go so far.....
.....sometimes you have to go for the putty

look carefully at the wing-root you can see daylight through the gaps!

the landing gear were clearly never intended to be assembled in the flight position
after hours of remedial reconstruction it got a coat of paint

this will be used as a wargaming piece
 so I modeled it with the air brakes fully open as they would be in a dive-bombing attack

for all the problems it turned out to be a presentable looking model

the bold markings certainly make for a striking-looking airplane

a glance at the underside shows why the GI's loved this "Flying Dumptruck"

       I'm not sure if the Holiday Spirit is enough to keep me building for other people. I might just "go Grinch" and work on something for myself.


  1. They all look really good. What paint did you use for the blue on the Navy aircraft?

    1. I primed the models with Krylon flat white primer, then washed on several layers of Americana Prussian Blue, followed by two coats of Future floor wax (one under the decals, the second coat over them)
