Friday, October 18, 2024

Oh! The Slings and erm, ah..... more slingers of outrageous fortune, the last of the Hinchliffe Indian foot

       Having foolishly relied upon my memory (which was not the best, even back in better times) I converted and painted thirty Indian two-handed swordsmen into slingers, in retrospect I should have stopped at twenty as that is all that is allowed under the WRG 6th Ed. list. Be that as it may these were a pretty quick job. Now all that remains is eight horse and four chariots (and the missing elephants, assuming that I ever find them!

the whole crowd

I organized them in batches of ten, differentiated by color
the "conversion" consisted of drilling a hole and sticking a thumb-tack on as a a shield
 then bending the two-handed sword around a bit and painting it brown to make a sling

some carried it on their arm, others hung it from their belt

if anybody has an idea as to what Indian troops in the 400-200B.C. period painted onto their shields please contact me!

       Once I get these guys completed I will have to decide which army falls under my gaze next. I have Byzantines, Normans, Gauls, Franks, Vikings, Persians and Greeks all in various stages of incompleteness. I am leaning toward the Normans, mostly because I love the Old-School Minifigs horses, but that remains to be seen.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

1/72 Matchbox P-12E another U.S.A.A.C. fighter from the "Yellow Wings" era


       Having built a Boeing F4B-4 and still not having found my painting muse (or perhaps deliberately ignoring her voice) I decided to rummage around in the Heap of Embarrassment and find the "Brother from another Mother" to the F4B-4, the P-12E. Almost identical to the F4B-4 there were minor differences in the landing gear and of course no arrestor gear or life-raft. Three hundred and sixty-six  copies in several different versions served in the USAAC and it was the main strength in the mid 1930s. Of course there is a Wikipedia page that covers this pretty well. 
        The Matchbox kit is cast in two colors; and for once the colors of the plastic and the colors of the originals match well-enough that you could almost just build it and slap the decals on and be quite happy with the result. Of course, I'm not smart enough to leave well-enough alone and decided that I needed to paint the model before assembling it.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Monogram 1/72 Boeing F4B-4 a return to the "Yellow-wings" period


       I'm still running away from painting more Hinchliffe Indian figures, so I had to find something different to do. A quick visit to the Heap of Embarrassment surrendered this little gem, a very old kit of an iconic U.S. Navy fighter aircraft, the Boeing F4B-4. This aircraft (and its near-twin the P-12) stood as the main force of U.S. fighter strength during the mid 1930's. It was celebrated as one of the most maneuverable aircraft ever flown and served as a trainer after retiring from first line service. Small quantities served in other Air Forces around the world. Of course there is a Wikipedia article of interest

Great Big Details on really tiny figures; Wargames Atlantic 10mm Samurai and Ashigaru, WOW!!

        Anyone familiar with my reviews of Wargames Atlantic products is probably aware that I'm a big fan of their products. Their 28mm minis have gone from strength to strength. They have now taken that attention to detail, quality of sculpting and value to an entirely new dimension, literally. Barely larger than a third of the size of Wargames Atlantic's usual product these new offerings are simply superb. The proportions, vitality and detail are all first rate. Combined with the fact that thirty five bucks gets you either 328 or 244 minis makes this an incomparable value, averaging just over eight cents a figure!

       The minis are cast in a medium hardness gray styrene that exhibits no flash and only a few mold-lines. Each box has four identical sprues. All the minis are one-piece figures (aside from the optional Mons that may be attached to figures) including the cavalry. After some rather odd sculpts in the Hail Caesar 12mm set from Warlord I had my worries that the one-piece casting of the cavalry would have problems. Happily this is not the case, the mounted Samurai are simply brilliant! Energetic, dynamic and beautifully detailed, I can't emphasize enough how well executed they are. The rest of the figures are sculpted to the same standard.

check out that quantity, I can finally buy "too much" all in one box!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Mikro 72, LWS CZAPLA Polish Recon aircraft

        As a way to take a break from grinding though tons of old Hinchliffe Indians I decided to dig an old kit out of the Heap Of Shame and slap it together. Well, it was an old kit but it was no case of slapping it together, this little baby took some work to sort out. 

       By the time WW2 started it was obsolescent but the brave Polish aviators made good use of it and its ability to land on rough airstrips and grassy fields to stay in touch with forward command centers. Of course there is a Wikipedia article on it.

a simple-enough looking kit .....

....of an uncomplicated airplane, a small amount of flash,
 but mold technology in the 1970's was pretty primitive

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Getting close to the end (at last!) Hinchliffe Mediium Cavalry

        I'm nearing exhaustion with this project. Thankfully I'm also running out of Indians to paint. This batch is a dozen medium cavalry, quite possibly the worst troop type under WRG 6th Ed. More of the same old stuff but I feel compelled to document my misery.

        I'm going to have to take a little break from these to recoup my energy. Maybe another airplane model or a piece of terrain. We will see.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Oh Look! Another batch of Hinchliffe Indian Cavalry!

       Yet another in my quest to paint all of my Hinchliffe Indian army. Twelve more heavy cavalry based for WRG 6th ed.  The Indian army in the lists that go with 6th ed is an interesting force to play. On the surface it is loaded with mega-weapons; elephants, four-horse heavy chariots with extra crew, all of the infantry having a two-handed weapon as a sidearm, on the other hand it is loaded with near useless troops like medium cavalry and lacks any troops that can handle bad terrain. To me it provides a lot of blunt force trauma which fits well with my fighting style. Also they are flashy, which makes them more lovable when they lose.


       Now I have only a couple of dozen cavalry left and a bunch of light infantry left, oh, and a couple of elephants and chariots..........sigh.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Successfully Seeking Solace in Styrene, the return to spats, the K-P Avia B-35

        As I grind on my next batch of Hinchliffe Indians I find myself spending too much hobby time waiting for paint to dry. To fill these periods of downtime I dug out yet another ancient kit from the Heap of Embarrassment; an unusual airplane from a tiny eastern European company, K-P's Avia B-35. First released in 1974, I bought this kit when it was relatively new back in 1977 from the Squadron Shop in Madison Heights MI. It had shunted from house to house as I got married, had kids, moved three times and retired, now it's finally getting built. 

       The Avia B-35 was the Czechoslovakian  Air Force's first modern monoplane fighter. It was built with fixed landing gear to speed the test-flights and gain experience in advanced fighter design and construction. It had excellent performance, being a near-equal to the BF-109. Only three were ever built with the third model having retracting landing gear. Of course there is a Wikipedia article on this aircraft as well as it's successor the Avia B-135.

        At first glance it seems a fairly crude model, closer examination proves that to be an entirely accurate estimation of the situation. Plenty of flash and parts deformation combined with some sloppy mold-marking (panels lines, which are inscribed, but don't match up as they cross joint lines) gave me some serious reservations as I started assembly.

not a complex kit, check out those helpful instructions!

Friday, September 27, 2024

More 25mm Hinchliffe Indians, Heavy cavalry



not the most effective troops on the WRG Indian list

       Having finished the Lindberg Arado AR-234 I once more turned my attention to the pile of unpainted Hinchliffe Indians. There are a few infantry left and a couple of chariots but the largest body of work that remains is the forty or so cavalry. Picking through that pile I selected a dozen heavy cavalry and got to work. The simplicity of the minis and the very basic uniforms made this an easy paint job, taking only about six hours in all.

heavy cavalry with javelin and shield aren't world-beaters under WRG 6th

these minis hark back to the days when even irregular cavalry marched in step

        Next up will be a bunch of medium cavalry, which are required under the list and are pretty much useless under WRG 6th, making the painting even more of a chore.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Unsuccessfully Seeking Solace in Styrene, Updated Lindberg Arado AR-234

I do so love the old school box art and would pay handsomely for the original painting

         Having painted the Indian elephants and a bunch of odds and ends that had attempted to go AWOL from their packages I again dug around in The Vault seeking the remaining elephants that I just KNOW are hiding somewhere. After a half-hour of searching I was left unrewarded and vexed. I decided to let the matter go for the time being and seek solace in some styrene. The first kit that came to hand was a garage-sale find that had set me back the princely sum of fifty cents; an ancient Lindberg Arado AR-234 that had been manufactured in the late sixties/early seventies and had been started by it's previous owner.

the previous owner's heavy coating of paint didn't help assembly
 and an unusually poor fit made this a unsatisfying build 
the amount of putty needed to close the gaps gave me a reason the sand away the huge rivets

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Pachyderms and Potpourri


I got the elephants that I have in hand finished and an odd assortment of others too

        I my rummaging around looking for my errant elephants I ended up digging through a box of minis that have been in storage "for a while" (think that warehouse at the end of Indiana Jones). In the process of this I came across some minis whose packages were so old that the plastic bubble had broken down and shattered, leaving the minis loose on the bottom of the box. I took this as a sign that I should paint them. So I added them to the pile on the workbench and started plugging away. This reminded me of just how much progress has been made in the last forty years in the field of miniature design and casting. Most of these minis were simply horrid. But I had taken the step so there was no going back.

 some "interesting-looking" figures right to left;
an English longbowman and Spanish sword and buckler from Campaign Figures
 a Cossack axeman and a Polish infantryman from Hinchliffe
some rather nicer (and newer) Roman Command from the old RAFM range

       Now I must decide whether I am going to confront the Indian cavalry or seek solace in styrene....

Friday, September 20, 2024

25% off all printed books from Helion this weekend!!!


As the days grow shorter, so do our prices! Celebrate the Autumn Equinox with Helion’s exclusive sale from Friday 20th to Monday 23rd September.

Enjoy 25% off on a wide range of titles, including military history, aviation, and more. Whether you’re building your collection or looking for the perfect gift, now’s the time to grab those must-have reads!

Don’t miss out – this offer is only available for 4 days. Shop now at and fall into great savings!

                         Get 25% off All Printed Books!


       The fine folks at Helion & Co. (who have caused me to part with an absurd amount of money over the years) have placed ALL of their printed books on sale at 25% off through this weekend. Helion bravely goes where few other publishers go and has printed dozens, no hundreds, of specialist titles over the last few years. I have almost all of the Century of the Soldier series and I can attest to the quality of the research, the brilliant illustrations and willingness to publish arcane subjects. Take a look, you may be pleasantly surprised.

quite possibly the most valuable two cubic feet in my house
although the Osprey Men-at-Arms might be pretty stiff competition