Thursday, July 25, 2024

Straight off the painting table and into the fire, The Swiss face the test of battle!

looking east, the Prussians on the right, the Swiss face them on the left

      After holding a review and parade this morning for my newly-minted Swiss I decided to set up a game to test their mettle in battle. The scenario is "somewhere in Germany in 1813". The reconstituted Swiss face the Prussians. Assembled as a strong Division the Swiss are confronted by two of the large "brigades" (a division in anyone else's army) and must cover Napoleon's northern flank. I found my old unit of Chassuers a Cheval and gave them to the Swiss, just so they have some sort of cavalry. The Prussians have three small units of dragoons. This will be largely an infantryman's fight.

from the Prussian side, looking south

the Swiss array calmly faces the onrushing Germanic hordes

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Swiss Get The Rest Of Their Guns, plus a parade of the entire force

        I managed to get enough free time to complete the three remaining artillery companies for my Swiss contingent. This completes the artillery and also the entire project. Ten battalions and four (under-strength) artillery companies, I only wish there were some cavalry to round out the force balance. 

        I keep being tempted to print out three more battalions and another battery to round out the Swiss forces for Merle's Division for the 1812 campaign in Russia (although, to complete Merle's Division, that would also require another French regiment and some provisional Croatian troops, a total of six more battalions). I resist this temptation, for the moment.

each regiment get one model gun to represent the two cannons that were attached

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Neufchatel Battalion gets it's gun

        I painted the artillery for the Neufchatel Battalion first mainly due to the fact that it was the only one that I had any hard info on. There is a painting showing them with yellow facings and blue coats and breeches. Not a lot to work with but better than the rest. For the remaining three artillery companies I am going to dig a little but, failing further info, I will have to resort to painting them like French artillerymen. The other regiments have to make-do with just one company of two guns (reduced to one for my purposes to scale with the units)

Monday, July 22, 2024

All ten battalions, and two days ahead of schedule! 28mm Swiss


         It seems that I work better under pressure. A little extra free time allowed me to sit down and grind away at the pile and thus I have finished my self-imposed task of getting all ten battalions of Swiss done within a fortnight. Not that this a ground-shaking achievement as they mins are painted in the manner of toy soldiers with no suggestion of shading or highlighting. But they do look pretty good en-masse from a couple of feet away.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

1st Battalion, 1st Swiss ....only two left to go!

        I got up this morning in the mood to splash some paint around. To this end I sat down and got these guys knocked out in record time, just over three hours. This leaves just the second and third battalions to go (there is a little voice saying that I should paint all four regiments, you know, just for the sake of completeness....I have successfully ignored the idea so far). I'm still trying to locate an STL file so that I can print out the ten guns and forty gunners that I need to finish this project properly. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

3rd Battalion, 4th Swiss .....That only leaves three more to finish!

         After a week of alarums and excursions I managed to sit down and grind out my seventh battalion of Swiss troopers. I would feel bad except that the great Napoleon himself had trouble with recruitment and I am moving faster than he did! Currently I have three battalions remaining and five more days to get them painted, so I'm still on track with my deadline. So, with no further ado I present the Third Battalion of the Fourth Swiss Regiment.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Swiss now number six


2nd Battalion, 4th Swiss joins the ranks

       A day full of distractions barely allowed this to be finished on time. I had no luck getting started on the 3rd Battalion so tomorrow will be another crowded day. Still, I'm slightly ahead of schedule so everything is OK as far as getting done within the fortnight.


 the simplicity of the minis, joined with the crudity of the paint job greatly speeds things along 


but they look pretty good from two feet away

Anybody interested in a road trip?


        Last year OldSarge and I had planned on a road trip to Old Fort Wayne (unsurprisingly located in Fort Wayne Indiana) but one thing led to another and we never went. I intend on going this year and have three open seats. My schedule is very flexible (being retired) so if anybody wants to tag along I can work with your schedule. I intend on doing my usual complete walk-around so wear comfortable shoes. You can check out the schedule of events here. One caveat, I will be leaving very early in the morning to get there ahead of the crowds.

1st Battalion 4th Swiss joins the ranks


       Back at the grind and trying to make up for lost time. I got these guys finished today and started on the 2nd battalion before other things demanded my time. With any luck I can get the 2nd finished and a fair start on the 3rd tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Then there were four, more Swiss

        A family function and the recent attempt on Trump's life (I am a politics/news junkie) cost me a couple of days but I got back in the saddle today and knocked out another battalion of Swiss. This will be the last of the 3rd Regiment; tomorrow I move on to the fourth, they have nice blue facings and blue/gray pants which will be a pleasant change of pace. I'm still looking for a free STL of French artillery in 28mm so that I can get started printing the guns.


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Another battalion joins the march to victory!


        I am finally getting a system for painting these little guys. I managed to grind out this batch in about 3.6 hours, much better than the 4+ hours yesterday. The unit is another battalion of the 3rd Swiss so nothing much new to see. I have to hunt up a 25/28mm artillery STL, it seems that each regiment had a two-gun battery to call it's own.

Epic Scale Ancients, a quick look at the new Warlord offerings


      An old fart like me isn't apt to be jumping ship to pick these up and build armies (I have 40,000+ minis in 15mm and 28mm), but if I were coming into the hobby new I would be on this like white on rice! Warlord has, once again, managed to make tiny figures that capture the look of the historic soldiers. The models are crisply cast and well detailed and rank up to look like historical formations. I plan on building DBA armies with them because why not? Let's take a look at some of the sprues.