28mm Horse sizes
Wargames Atlantic new range of minis can be seen here
1940 British Expeditionary Force
Medieval Foot Knights 1150-1320
Great War Russian Infantry and assembled
28mm Great War British Infantry , assembled here
28mm Near-Future Space Marines
28mm SAS and German Sentries for 02 Hundred Hours
28mm World War One German Stormtroopers painted
28mm Dark Ages Irish Warriors
28mm Dark Ages Gothic Foot assembled and painted
28mm French Resistance assembled and painted
28mm French WW1 and WW2 Infantry
28mm Sci-Fi Bulldogs (Space Brits)
28mm Sci-Fi Cannon Fodder, Part I, Males
28mm Cannon Fodder, Part II, females
28mm Prussian Reserve infantry
Follow the links to the photo reviews of the very fine Perry Brothers Plastic models
28mm Duchy of Warsaw Infantry Battalion
28mm Prussian Infantry
28mm Mercenaries 1450-1500
Mounted Knights 1450-1500
28mm British Infantry 1877-1885
28mm Mahdists Ansars
28mm AWI British Center Company
28mm Union Civil War Infantry
Follow these links to the (sadly defunct) Wargames Factory line (items marked with a star have been re-released by Warlord Games in different quantities and packaging)
War of Spanish Succession Artillery review*
Building the WSS Artillery
WSS Infantry review*
WSS Cavalry review*
Persian Cavalry review
Persian Infantry
Greek Heavy Hoplites review
Sci-Fi Shock Troops
Sci-Fi Heavy Weapons
Japanese Ashigaru*
Japanese Samurai*
These links will lead to photo review of Victrix's fine models
Spartan Hoplites Review
Athenian Hoplites review
Austrian Landwehr review
Napoleonic British Artillery review
Follow these links to some of Fireforge's excellent line of figures
Teutonic Knights review
Mounted Sergeants review
Foot Sergeants review
Russian Foot review
Ashigaru Shooters (bow or musket)
Samurai Shooters (bow or musket)
These links will lead to reviews of Warlord Games products
British Regulars for the French and Indian Wars
French Regulars for the French and Indian Wars
Unmarried Zulu Regiment
Natal Native Contingent
British Infantry for the Zulu Wars
Prussian Landwehr
oldSarge's Romans
Ruined Hamlet (not the play! it is a village)
Gripping Beast's Dark Ages goodies
Dark Ages Cavalry
Late Roman Heavy Cavalry
Late Roman Infantry
Arab Spearmen and Archers
Conquest Miniatures Knights and such.... Very nice indeed!
Medieval Knights
Norman Foot Knights
Norman Knights Mounted
Great Escape Games