Friday, March 14, 2025

28mm Wargames Atlantic Medieval Peasants 1100-1350


the box front, with some beautifully painted minis

        I got this set the from the good folks at Michigan Toy Soldier who kindly provided it for review.

        Completing the triad of Medieval Warfare with the prior sets of Knights and Serjeants this newly released set provides the opportunity to build large forces of the "lesser folks". Peasants were the most numerous, if not the most effective, troops on most battlefields in the Middle Ages. This set allows the gamer to build anything from the poorly-armed farmer with his pitchfork up to the well-armed mercenaries. In addition the parts are compatible with the previously released sets which expands the options even further. 

        As has become standard with Wargames Atlantic offerings this set is offered in a medium hardness gray plastic devoid of flash and with only the faintest of mold-lines. Within the set there are enough bows to equip every figure with a (longish) bow or spear, there is a wide assortment of other implements of destruction from farm-implements to battle-axes. Again, the chance to cross-pollinate with the prior two sets broadens the opportunities for customization. In the box you will find two sprues of pole-arms (with enough spears to give all the minis spears as well as an assortment of other pole-arms) and five sprues with the bodies. The torsos are divided at the waist which increases the options for poses during assembly (something that I am entirely in favor of!).

the back of the box, the same minis but more clearly presented
box with contents

pole-arms sprue, side A

pole-arms, side B

minis sprue, side A

minis sprue, side B 

the many faces of peasantry 
thirteen heads for five bodies, a feast of choices 

the torsos; well proportioned, realistically posed, and dressed in largely generic clothing,
plus a great selection of  weapons

pitchforks, slings, axes and some scary-big knives

I would have liked a few more flails,
 I do love the club and the horn made from....a horn! 

       I plan on buying a couple of more boxes to build a Crusader army these will provide the bulk of the army. The opportunity to swap parts between the other sets greatly excites my "modify the mini" synapses and I'm sure people more talented than I will find even greater avenues to explore. The very reasonable prices will allow the gamer to build proper peasant masses. With minor changes these figures could easily expand the time period to the Dark Ages or early Renaissance (the surfeit of parts in the other Wargames Atlantic sets will greatly expand these opportunities). 

     I can't wait for the arrival of the rest of this series, especially the mounted sets!

     A great Value and a top-quality product!

      Very Highly Recommended!

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