Sunday, April 28, 2024

28mm Perrys, Dutchy of Warsaw Infantry Battalion, 1807-1814

        From the prolific hands of the Perry Brothers comes Polish Infantry from the later Napoleonic Wars 1807-1814. Sculpted to the near-perfection that is the standard of Perry products this set will provide you with the soldiers you need to build the core of a Duchy of Warsaw force. The minis are cast in a firm gray plastic that has no flash and precious few mold-lines, these figures display a jewel-like level of detail. 

        This set comes complete with command figures representing officer and musicians as well as standard-bearers. The set also includes options for all of the different types of headgear worn by the other ranks. These multi-part minis provide a choice of arms and minor body position so your soldiers won't look like a band of automatons; backpacks are separate and include the sabre-briquet, ammo box and canteen (no loads of tiny fiddly-bits to glue on during assembly). These can be painted before assembly of the figure which greatly eases getting the belting and straps squared away!

         Worth the price of the box is the full-color two-sided flyer that comes inside showing the uniforms worn by the different regiments of the Duchy of Warsaw. This is simply superb and is one of the things that sets Perry products apart from the rest of the plastic minis world. The information contained is more comprehensive and easily understood than that found in an Osprey book. Top notch work!

the front of the box

the back of the box

the box with contents
flyer, side A

flyer, side B

command sprue, side A

command sprue, side B

details of command sprue, any office carrying that mace is likely to get listened to!

more command details, I love the beards on the engineers!

trumpets and the correct carbine

elite companies sprue with a dizzying array of head choices!
note the crisp detail of the uniforms

the Poles certainly loved their headgear

center companies sprue, side A
center companies, side B

again; beautifully rendered and tightly in-scale faces and equipment

perfect proportions and just enough variation to make the unit look natural

the muskets are just a bit thick for scale
 this means that they will survive handling that would break slimmer models 

       At just under a dollar each this set will provide the gamer wishing to build a Duchy of Warsaw army a very affordable option. The crisp detail will greatly ease painting and the excellent proportions and natural posing will create units that look great on the table. There simply isn't a better option available right now.
        Very Highly Recommended!

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