Sunday, April 28, 2024

A little something I whipped up to stay busy

        For me idle hands are a terror. I simply end up getting myself into trouble. Thus I tend to volunteer more often than is completely sane, even to the point where I end up swamped. A little while ago I saw on Lead Adventure Forum someone that was looking for a stylized aircraft carrier in 15mm. Not having played with Proxxie in a bit I offered to whip out some hull blanks for a 1930's style aircraft carrier (and a cruiser and destroyer as well). The fellow seeking the ships was delighted with the idea and I was off to the races. 

       I took the USS Langley as a rough guide for my carrier, an Omaha class light cruiser as a basis for the cruiser and the USS Ward as my guide for the destroyer. These were not intended as replicas of those ships, just as inspiration.

it took about a half-hour to get the basic shapes cut,
but it was a cold and rainy day so I just kept puttering along....
......I dug out some 1/144th scale aircraft for a "look check"
it was tight but not silly-looking
it was still crummy weather so I started painting and adding details, wire masts,
spent shell casings for funnels and bits of brass tubing for guns 

there was too much open deck on the cruiser and destroyer so 
I rummaged around in the "bits box" and came up with some AA guns 
and whipped up a crane for the cruisers seaplane, and a few lifeboats
while the paint was drying on that I made a surfaced submarine

I struggled briefly with a seaplane for the cruiser
 but the tiny scale and my fat fingers rendered that a fools errand
the surfaced sub with its deck gun 
the "Flush-decks and Four Pipes" destroyer

and the same, headed the other direction
the light cruiser coming.....

......and going
the aircraft carrier, this was by far the simplest model to build

it looks the part, even if it is short on details
       A "quick and dirty" early 1930's naval squadron to support some Intervention forces in the Caribbean during the Banana Republic era, what to do next.....