So this time Anton convinced me that limiting our selections would be a good idea so it was decided that we would still dice for a book, and then dice for which half of that book. We ended up with the first half of the second, or yellow book (this is where the Roman Empire armies reside). Anton selected the Champa, one of the armies of Vietnam. I selected the Scots-Irish (Ireland during the Roman invasion of Britain). Anton volunteered that he chose his army to field nine elephants. I chose my army because it gets even more Light Chariots than the famous "Ancient British Panzer Division" of these rules. I outscouted Anton 33:12, so he had to deploy his army first and I elected to have an element of my army go on a flank march to arrive later in the battle. Here are our deployments.
As a note Anton got tired of me not giving units titles so he went through and applied titles in the photo editing stage, so I will say thanks and am forced to use them.
Anton's army as we see it left to right:
Unit A 12xCavalry, IRG C, MC, JLS & Sh
Unit B 36xInfantry, 9-IRG A, 27-IRG C, all JLS & Sh
Unit C 36xInfantry, 9-IRG A, 27-IRG C, all JLS & Sh
Unit D 36xInfantry, 9-IRG A, 27-IRG C, all JLS & Sh
Unit E CinC w/JLS, IRG B Elephants, Bodyguard of 2 IRG B, elephants, driver w/JLS
Unit F 6xElephants, IRG C driver w/JLS
Unit G 36xInfantry, 9-IRG A, 27-IRG C, all JLS & Sh
Unit H 22xSkirmishers, IRG C, LI, 1/2 B, 1/2 JLS
Unit I 26xSkirmishers, IRG C, LI, 1/2 B, 1/2 JLS
Unit J 22xSkirmishers, IRG C, LI, 1/2 B, 1/2 JLS
My Army is as follows
Unit One is the Flanking Force and includes the following a Sub General w/JLS on a 2 Horse Lt Chariot with an IRG B driver, 6x2 Horse Lt Chariots with IRG B driver and 1-W/JLS, plus a detachment of 18x"Upper Class" Warriors, IRG C, LMI, JLS & Sh
Unit Two 6x2 Horse Lt Chariots with IRG B driver and 1-W/JLS, plus a detachment of 18x"Upper Class" Warriors, IRG C, LMI, JLS & Sh
Unit Three 6x2 Horse Lt Chariots with IRG B driver and 1-W/JLS, plus a detachment of 18x"Upper Class" Warriors, IRG C, LMI, JLS & Sh
Next to Unit Four is my CinC with a JLS in a 4 Horse Lt Chariot with an IRG B driver
Unit Four 6x2 Horse Lt Chariots with IRG A driver and 1-W/JLS, plus a detachment of 6x"Galiana" IRG A, LMI, JLS & Sh, 7x"Hostage King's Sons" IRG B, LMI, JLS & Sh. This unit also contains my army's "Champion" in a seventh 2 Horse Lt Scythed Chariot, IRG A Driver and 1 W/JLS
Unit Five 48x"Lower Class" Warriors all IRG D, 38-LMI, 10-LI all JLS & Sh
Unit Six 6x2 Horse Lt Chariots with IRG B driver and 1-W/JLS, plus a detachment of 24x"Upper Class" Warriors, IRG C, LMI, JLS & Sh
On the first turn I held my army back in no rush to get into missile range with all those skirmishers Anton brought to the party. Meanwhile Anton surged forward, but was not in range to shoot my troops. The only troops Anton held back were his cavalry knowing my flanking force was enroute.
On the Second turn I knew that Anton would be in range this time around and sent my troops forward to minimize the missile pain. Anton chose to shoot my Unit Five, the lower class warriors, with his largest skirmisher unit. As a result of first time under fire, my Lower class warriors had to take a morale test going impetuous as a result.
The Third turn was very eventful. My Impetuous Unit Five charged Anton's Unit I. My Infantry detachment from Unit Two charged Anton's Unit H and my Infantry detachment from Unit Six charged Anton's Unit J going impetuous in the process. From all the units charging My Chariot Unit 2 also went Impetuous but could only surge forward with no viable charge target. All of Anton's skirmishers evaded from my charges. As a result of my charges Anton's Units: C, D, F, and G all went impetuous and charged my troops. Finally, just to accentuate the chaos, my flanking force arrived and was allowed a full move onto the table from the arrival dice.
The above picture shows the situation at the end of Turn Three. My overly optimistic Lower class warriors had a VERY bad day and were shattered by the three impetuous units they ran into. My detachment from Unit Six pushed back Anton's Unit G. Meanwhile my Chariots from Unit Six squared up on Anton's Elephants and My IRG A Chariots led by the Champion along with their foot detachment lined up to take on Anton's Impetuous Units C and D. On the left Anton's poor cavalry lined up to face my late arriving Chariots, but failed to note that the Chariots from Unit Two had also lined them up for an impetuous charge.

On Turn Four Anton's Unit A was massacred by the chariots from my Units One and Two, losing 7 out of 12 figures. The Chariots from my Unit Three charged Anton's Unit B and routed them on contact. My Champion led unit Four chariots went impetuous and charged into Anton's also impetuous units C and D. The Infantry detachment from my Unit Four also went impetuous and charged into Unit D. The results of this insanity was that my chariots were pushed back and my champion was killed, however Anton's Unit D was pushed back losing its impetuous status while my Unit Four detachment maintained its Impetuous outlook. My Chariots from Unit Six went impetuous and charged into Anton's impetuous Elephants, which caused ABSOLUTE carnage. Anton destroyed three of my chariots and pushed my unit back, but my chariots managed to kill four of Anton's elephants, leaving him with only one to follow up with. On the extreme right my detachment from Unit Six pushed back Anton's Unit G a second time and broke them. Behind the scenes my general rallied Unit Five even though they had suffered so many casualties as to be only rolling two dice. Things were looking up for my side.
Turn Five went even better for my forces. My remaining chariots from Unit Six rolled Up Four and exterminated Anton's elephants. My foot troops from unit rolled up Three and pushed back Anton's Unit D for the second time breaking them. My Chariots from Unit Four rolled Up Four and managed to push back Anton's Unit C, ending their impetuous state.
Elsewhere on turn Five Anton's CinC led his body guard in an impetuous charge on the foot troops from my Unit Three. My foot troops responded to the impetuous charge by going impetuous themselves, but standing to receive the elephants. In the fight Anton's elephants killed two of my soldier, but my soldiers returned the favor and killed two of Anton's three elephants. Upon dicing randomly it was determined that Anton's CinC was one of the two fallen elephants.
The remainder of the Fifth turn saw my chariots pursuing and grinding Anton's cavalry almost to dust. My Chariots from Unit Three continued pursuing Anton's Unit B and my infantry from Unit Six caught Anton's Unit G for another round of slaughter.
In the missile fire into my Infantry from Unit Six, Anton's skirmishers managed to roll and up, which was the first time his troops performed above standard since the first volleys of missile fire back in the Second Turn.
The Sixth Turn saw my poor Unit Four get too excited and impetuously charge Anton's Unit C, who resumed their impetuous charge. Naturally, Unit Four broke and ran immediately. Otherwise my units continued routing Anton's combat units toward the board edge. Anton's cavalry was exterminated. At this point Anton conceded the battle.
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