Sunday, February 21, 2021

One more Crystal Caste review


So here we have the Standard Crystal Caste Battlehive, technically "Battlehive I",  It is 11.5 inches wide, by 11 inches tall, and 9.5 inches deep.  This one comes with four one inch think figure trays and two two inch think figure trays.  As usual, you get to pick out the shapge of the storage space you desire.  

This is my Flamesof War collection.  I was actually the first in our group to get into Flames of War, and also the first to get out of it. The Basic systme works well enough, but the incessant Massive over rating of the abilities of the Nazi's and gross manipulation of rules in their favor really turned me on the game.  In the end I decided that the rules are fine, as long as there are no "semi devine Nazi's on the field.  The result is my collection  Japanes and Chinese.  These are the cases I keep them in, one for each nationality.  

I decided to try and save some space and see if I could get the two groups into one of the smaller Crystal Caste Boxes.  For scope, these two forces combined consist of about 400 Painted infantry and 150 vihicles. 

 I started out with the Chinese Tanks as I knew they would be heavy.  These are from various manufacturers and left to right are 10 Vickers 6-tons, 14 various Italian CV-33's,  Some captured Japanese tanks, Ha-Go's Finally some Carden-Lloyd MG carriers on the right.  46 tanks total.  

Next up is the small scale Japanese Tank elemements.  12 Ha-Go light tanks, 8 type 94 and 10 type 97 combat cars, 5 old copies of WWI armored cars, and Chi-Ha tanks.  42 tanks total.  

Here we have 12 Type 89 medium tanks, 4 more combat cars, plus 2 more armored cars.  

Here is the last sheet of Japanese tanks.  This is the first of the 2 inche deep sheets as some of the tank officers stick up too high to fit on the shorter sheets. There are 13 Type 89's, Five Ka-Mi amphibious tanks, three trucks and one early Heavy Tank.  

Here is the second of the 2 inch thick sheets.  This one is full up with Japanese infantry/Plus an small chinese artillery battery in the bottom rigt corner.   

Here is the CHinese Infantry sheet,  

Here are the Chinese infantry stowed away.  

Finally, here is the storage tray that goes at the top/  An assortment of dice and measuring tapes. Also the detachable carrystrap is shown.  

Once again I must say that I am very pleased with these boxes as they accapt a massive amount in figures.  As I pack the figures in, I am always amazed with the amounts of figures that can be stored in one of these boxes, plus how easily theysafely transport the figures. 

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