Saturday, August 19, 2023

Two Days Wasn't Enough, But a week will do


Old School paint-jobs for Old School minis, just waiting for the shield decals
not quite finished but the core of a force is there;
four cohorts, two units of auxilia and two barbarian allies

       My absurd deadline of two days came and went in a flash and I had to use substitutes in my game with The Housemartin (which ended with my resounding defeat). This shall not be the case in the future! The substitutes I mean; my luck in dice-dependent games is notoriously bad. With the luxury of a couple of extra days I finished the above seen figures and I am starting on a few more cohorts of infantry and a couple of units of cavalry which will round the force out nicely. Now all I need is some dice that have a few vestiges of luck on them.
       What I don't ever want to hear again is a complaint about assembling plastic minis. These all required shields and spears, heck a few even needed heads glued on! With plastic minis you just put a dot of tube cement on it and the part stays in place. Metal minis require holding (and seem to need to test-fit every part by gluing it to my fingers first!!!), absolutely nightmarish!



  1. Now the question is, can they fight? Let’s hope your dice skills improve😉

  2. Here is part of my first legion of figures. Stopped painting them as did have anyone to battle. But they did one battle at your place with Tom.

  3. Anton would have to build some dice skills with proxie in order for them to "improve".

    1. Don't tempt me, I could easily make some "special" dice, just for my use, that would ensure better results
