Monday, August 19, 2024

Take Me To The River, waterways for the DBA in a box project

        After foolishly adding some boats to the DBA project I then needed to add water. As this all needed to fit into one of the two boxes that I had arbitrarily set as the limit for this little undertaking I was constrained by the dimensions of the interior. The boxes I am using are from Uline who make boxes in almost every imaginable size. The ones I'm using are for letter sized paper so the longest dimension is 11.5 inches. DBA being played on a 4'x4' table meant that I would need to make river sections that worked those dimensions as well. I settled on 8" lengths with a 2" width. The next mission was to run to my local Arts & Crafts store and buy a sheet of medium blue matte-board. Once this was in hand I set to work.

having cut the 8"x2" sections I painted brown craft paint
 along the edges and sprinkled the wet paint with fine sand 

once the paint had dried and I had knocked off the loose sand 
I got out the universal spray adhesive, its cheap, effective and dries faster than most others 

a quick spray along the edge to further attach the sand
 and a quick dip in the flocking tank gave my river sections a grassy berm
the whole thing got another spray of Aqua-Net

with some of the leftover matte board I made a coastline section with the river draining into it

or just a small bay, if you prefer

while waiting for all that to dry I knocked together this little beauty
I love old Heller kits, unusual subjects and (mostly) excellent fit
once the spray coats had dried I got out the acrylic floor wax 
and spread on a heavy coat to give the water a bit of gloss

of course the matte board soaked it up like a sponge 
I will have to add another coat or two before I'm done

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