Saturday, June 22, 2024

Trenches for the Quar, Part VII; Sandbagging it.....

       I don't care for the look of plastic or resin sandbags. To me they look like fluffy pillows, not like a sack of earth weighing sixty to a hundred pounds. Thus I am forced to make my own (what the heck, I'm scratchbuilding everything else in this project so why not go for broke?). This brings us to the the Great Tedium, crafting miniature sandbags from clay.

it may not look like it, but there are simply thousands of sandbags in here 
first step; roll out a strip about 1/8" in diameter

gently squish it into an oval cross-section

slice it into sections with your handy razor-knife

pinch both ends to make it look like a sandbag
start sticking them onto the terrain, 
as you press them into the surface make sure that the ends "droop" realistically

keep at it for a long time........... 
       Really, there is no other way (buying plastic or resin bags would cost a fortune given the amount of sandbags that will be involved in this project) to get results that I desire. It may be a while before I post on this again, it took me all morning and half the afternoon to get this far, and I have three more boards to do.


  1. Dude that is super genius! Time consuming for sure but brilliant! Looking good!


  2. I wish you would stop posting these wonderful wargaming, modelling figures and terrain. How am I as a wargamer with as much will power as a chocolate fireguard going to resit starting another project 😀.
    Excellent blog keep up the good work.

