Wargames Atlantic provides us with yet another great multi-pose set of sci-fi/near-future minis. This time we have a set of thirty figures entitled "Cannon Fodder" (I assume that morale isn't an issue for these lads). Looking past the rather chilling unit title we see that they are infantry equipped with what would be "low-tech" weapons and minimalist, coverall style, uniforms; either penal battalions or local militia for a 40K sort of environment. They could easily stand in as Imperial Guard or planetary troops in some Grim Dark future.
What really makes this set pop (as with so many other Wargames Atlantic sets) is the simply huge selection of heads and weapons; from bare-headed to helmets that look like 1970's space suit helmets. Each box contains twelves sprues; six each of a small one with the bodies and some heads and a second larger one with an oversized helping of heads, guns, backpacks and arms. The standard weapon looks like a cross between an AK-47 and the Imperial Guard flashlight (err...lasgun) from 40K. Included is a massive underslung gun to give the troops some extra firepower. Realistically proportioned and convincingly posed this set is cast in a hard gray plastic with no trace of flash and very little by way of mold-lines. The selection of poses means that it would a simple thing to build an entire unit of individuals with no two poses the same.