rather than laying in miniature tiles I drew them into the matte-board floor
Having finally finished painting the exterior I shifted gears and started on the interior of the model. Rather than trying to paint and model the interior features directly onto the walls I decided to build them as flat objects that I could simply glue to the walls after painting was completed. Regular readers will likely be aghast at the idea of me carefully measuring things to ensure a tight fit, but I assure you that all the measurements were made by marking directly from the model onto the materials and the ruler served only in the capacity of a straight edge for drawing lines.
The first step was to draw flagstones on the floor of the room that I was working on. The thick soft matte-board is easily indented by a ball-point pen (much like the roller indented the blue board). With the flagstones delineated it was a simple matter to paint over the floor with thinned-down paint so the dark lines showed between stones. This worked even better than I thought it would.
the floor with a coat of thinned paint,
the lines between the flagstones are too clear so another coat of paint will be applied