I (RichUnclePat) will be running a game of Fisful of Tows 3 this Saturday at 7pm at my house.
It's a very basic scenario with limited "extras" as this will be primarily a teaching game as the majority of people have never played these rules. I will be using these rules for the modern Pakistan/India campaign that will be run some time in the near future. SO, if you like micro armor, or just playing fun wargames, please do attend.
(The scenario is a modified version of the one that appears in GHQs modern Micro Armour®️.)
The Battle of Nuiwa-Shar 16 March 1990
In January 1990, an uprising among Muslim fundamentalists in Indian Kashmir threatened to put an end to the delicate peace maintained by the government in Delhi since their annexation of the province in January of 1957. The Hindu government of Kashmir state resigned, forcing India to declare "Martial Law". There were furious protests from the Sharif government in Karachi. Troops were mobilized on both sides of the India-Pakistan border. There were skirmishes and some shelling of border posts, but cooler heads finally prevailed and war was narrowly avoided. Things could have gone differently. This scenario assumes they did.
On 14 March 1990 after a concerted effort by both sides to reach some sort of agreement, elements of the Indian 15th Army crossed the Sutlej River Southeast of Lahore and entered Pakistani territory. Encountering stiff resistance, they pushed West-Southwest, crossing the Multan-Lahore Railroad, and erected temporary bridges across the Ravi River (their initial objective). At this point, elements of the Indian 6th Armored Division were thrown forward, taking advantage of a gap in Pakistani lines between Jellum in the North and Lyallpur in the South. Their goal was the small town of Nuiwa-Shar and the oilfields along the East bank of the Jhelum River. Before they could reach Nuiwa-Shar, however, they were met by the Pakistani 2nd Armored Brigade, striking South from Jellum in a desperate bid to block their advance.