Friday, October 18, 2024

Oh! The Slings and erm, ah..... more slingers of outrageous fortune, the last of the Hinchliffe INdian foot

       Having foolishly relied upon my memory (which was not the best, even back in better times) I converted and painted thirty Indian two-handed swordsmen into slingers, in retrospect I should have stopped at twenty as that is all that is allowed under the WRG 6th Ed. list. Be that as it may these were a pretty quick job. Now all that remains is eight horse and four chariots (and the missing elephants, assuming that I ever find them!

the whole crowd

I organized them in batches of ten, differentiated by color
the "conversion" consisted of drilling a hole and sticking a thumb-tack on as a a shield
 then bending the two-handed sword around a bit and painting it brown to make a sling

some carried it on their arm, others hung it from their belt

if anybody has an idea as to what Indian troops in the 400-200B.C. period painted onto their shields please contact me!

       Once I get these guys completed I will have to decide which army falls under my gaze next. I have Byzantines, Normans, Gauls, Franks, Vikings, Persians and Greeks all in various stages of incompleteness. I am leaning toward the Normans, mostly because I love the Old-School Minifigs horses, but that remains to be seen.

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