Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Enter The Octagon!

a little package of happiness

        I have to confess to being incredibly lax about posting of late. In my defense the first couple of months of this year have been rough; on top of my usual "January Blues" a couple of sudden funerals and a long-running revision of my air combat rules have eaten up both my time and energy. That is all behind me now and I have renewed energy with the arrival of a package from 24 Hour Crafts (a specialist woodworking shop) who made me a custom set of octagonal bases for my revised rules. Everybody and their brother makes hexagons but these guys were the best price/service that I could find that would cut octagons. Product quality is top-rate and they got me my fifty octagons in less than a week, I would happily recommend them to anyone.

the items were carefully packaged

the octagons were very precisely cut, fractions of a millimeter tolerances
notice how it is possible to get much more subtle movement patterns once hexagons are forsaken
it took me a while to work out the "tweaks" in the new movement system
 but this seems to work very well

       I am currently working on converting the individual aircraft maneuver books and will post them as I get them completed. I will leave the hex-based books up as well in case you prefer those.


  1. Most Air to Air games use 6 sided, why 8 sided? Does this provide a more realistic flight simulation?


    1. 45 degree increments when turning allows a greater degree of differentiation between aircraft. This is particularly important in the 1935-1941 period when there were still quite a few biplanes in service.
