Sunday, June 2, 2024

Put A Spot Of Paint (and some bases) On It ! Ottawa Longhouses, Part II

        Some time ago I started  building some Ottawa Longhouses for my friend Zhodani Commando. They have sat untouched for a couple of weeks now and I felt that I had best get them off the "To be painted" pile before I forgot about them entirely. As it turns out it only took a couple of hours and they were finished. The process was a progressively lighter series of drybrushing going from dark brown to a pale brown-gray and them some line work to pick out the saplings that were the outer frame. 

the base-coat was Krylon Dark Camouflage Green
then a heavy drybrushing with Americana Soft Black
and then a nearly as heavy drybrushing with a 50/50 mix of Soft Black and Slate Gray
this was topped with a lighter drybrushing of Medium Gray
then the sapling frame was picked out in Honey Brown and the doors painted in Lamp Black
The models were so light and wobbly that they would get knocked around during play 
so I decided that they needed some extra heft and went ahead and added bases


  1. Dude these are simply gorgeous! They will look spectacular on my gaming table. Now I am totally committed to painting Indians after this mammoth effort of artistry!


  2. Those turned wonderfully - very nice work!

  3. They were simple enough, a bit tedious to build, now I'm tempted to build the hilltop palisade to surround them.....
