Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Trenches for the Quar, Part IX, A shattered woods in No Quar's Land

        Zhodani Commando had asked for some shell-shattered woods as scatter terrain for No Quar's Land, and as I was finally finished with the sandbagging operation I got to work on this. At first I considered using Woodland Scenics tree armatures but they aren't terribly sturdy (train accessories, not wargaming toys) I decided to go with making my own. This also keeps the entire project scratchbuilt. 

the first thing I did was cut some bases out of left over Eco-Rug 
this is a tough flexible outdoor rug made from recycled pop bottles
then I drybrushed the edges with the same brown paint that I used on the terrain panels

then I got out my tree-making supplies; fabric-wrapped florist's wire, 
bare florist's wire, some sisal twine and the dreaded hot-glue gun

as I was making some smaller trees I cut each bit of florist's wire in half

then I bent them roughly in half over the shaft of a screwdriver

then started twisting the wires together, after a few twists I separated 
the wires into two or three groups and bent them about to make branches

the next step was to cut a bit of twine about 10" long,
 feed it through the loop at the base of the tree

leaving a tail about an inch long tie the twine to the loop

hold the tail along the side of the trunk and wrap 
the twine tightly around the wires to give the tree-trunk a bit more heft
loosen the wire and wrap the twine under it, 
re-wrap the wire over the twine and snip off the remaining twine
then cut the loop at the bottom and spread out the end to look like roots

fire up the hot glue gun and ooze some glue onto the wires, 
this will thicken them up and make better looking roots 
as well as attaching the tree to the Eco Rug very securely

once they have cooled off they are ready for a coat of spray paint and then some detail work 
at this point you can add clump-foliage or steel wool if you like
after dinner I shot a coat of black primer on the models, once that was dry I painted the trees a dark gray and gave the center a drybrushing with the same, after that had dried I hit the edges of the bases with my primary terrain brown so that the edge would blend with the terrain boards
clearly the edges need more drybrushing and a fair amount of highlighting

I finally had to finish mowing the lawn so I only had a short while to work today
I installed the duckboards (the wooden plank sidewalks in the trenches) 
then gave the tree bases another round of highlighting

I just need to add the muddy footprints on the duckboards

the tree bases blend much better now, not perfect, just better

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