Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Bastle House building phase completed

        Having gotten the last of the buildings sorted out I thought that I would commemorate the end of the building phase with a "family photo". I have the itch to build a pele tower, just as a modeling exercise, but it remains to be seen if that turns into a proper effort....

        In modeling this I have made an effort to keep things as modular as possible to ensure the greatest variety of layouts. Zhodani Commando will be playing a skirmish game with these so freedom of arrangement is crucial. Some things to note. The horizontal aspect of the Great House and the smaller bastle house have been somewhat exaggerated minis and the hands that move them cannot adapt to narrow spaces thus, to ensure play-ability, there needs to be a bit of extra space indoors. Also the definition of Bastle House, Barmkin, Tower-House, and Pele Tower were all very loosely applied in the 16th century. Researching the matter was confusing as modern authors tend to try to force a current, ultra-regulated and defined, concept of buildings onto ancient structures. Truth be told they were built by local magnates to the whim of their design, no doubt with a heavy dose of practical experience and at least one eye on the purse.

the complete collection of pieces 
a likely layout of a successful Laird's community
a less-wealthy Laird's community 
       I have had questions regarding the thatching of the humble cottages, as to why the thatch does not overhang the outer edge of the wall. To be honest that was my first impulse but in viewing pictures of Scottish Blackhouses I noticed that the thatching usually ended on top of the walling and was often weighted-down with rocks or logs. Often there was plants growing along the edge where the thatch joined the wall, see the photos below.  


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