Sunday, June 5, 2011

Game schedule, looking at summer CORRECTION

           This weekend the game will be on Sunday 5Jun11 at 2:00pm, we will be giving Hail Caesar a try. I hope to have a game report to follow with pictures.

11Jun11   no game at John's
18 Jun11  game at John's
25Jun11   game at John's
2Jul11      game at John's

       I am trying to get the usual Flames of War game moved back to Monday over the summer, if that doesn't work perhaps Thursday.

        On another note the guys at Michigan Toy Soldier have offered to host a game in near future. I have not contacted the FoW rep about this but I was interested to see if there were a group of people interested in participating in a FoW tournament during the summer, reply in the comments and include which period you would prefer.


  1. hail Caesar kool. Going come by to play. Got a lot of 28mm warlords romans finished. My cav isn't painted yet. Using 20 men stands. If hail caesar turns out to be fun. May do a greek army or vikings.
    Ca ya Sunday.


  2. Right now I am planning on a Classic Greeks vs Galatians game, it would allow most troop types to be used as well as a few of the more common special rules. That way we could get a feel for how they play. I could throw history out the window and include a division of Romans just to get them a work-out as well.
