Friday, November 30, 2018

Just a little post for Stew

Stew, you have been a constant source of encouragement regarding my Lace Wars Project so I thought I would throw out a visual treat. I had a test-game planned for Thursday evening but a personal emergency led to a last-minute cancellation. The table was all set up and I plan on running the game with the latest edition of my Nine Years War rules this Saturday, but in the mean time take a look at the pretty toys! I have to get one of those backdrops with the idyllic hills and drifting clouds.

I was trying for a Spanish look but now it seems more Italian countryside 

looking south across the table

looking east

pity that I haven't finished the generals, they look badly out of place

the look of larger units with relatively high figure-counts is most pleasing
I'm no Charles Grant with 48 figure units, but I try

the bright colors and large flags is enjoyable too

then there is the cavalry
I love cavalry, but am a disaster commanding it

a solid line of infantry better suits my skills

or cannon, guns are cools

     I plan on providing a full write-up regarding Saturday's game, watch this space.


  1. Looks nice Anton. Yesterday the doc remove the 38 staple he used to close up my incision for the knee replacement. Walking pretty good. Now working on stair climb with the therapist

    1. So you will be ready for some serious action by the New Year? I am glad to hear that things are going well, I'm afraid that sooner rater than later I shall face the same ordeal and my hobby room is in the basement!

      Hang tough old friend!

  2. What Lace Wars project? 😀

    On a serious note: I’m very gratified that you have found my comments encouraging. All my comments, on your blog and others, are meant to be so. I’ve found that comments are one of the more rewarding features of having a blog and building an online community and friendships.

    Your project has come a very long way and I did enjoy seeing it all on the table. It looks great! I hope your game goes well and your rules continue to evolve. When you’re not distracted by scratch building ironclads. It’s always fun to see a project go from planning to table. 😀

    1. I greatly enjoy input from you and other gamers, yours is always constructive and of good humor. I also like your blog; it is informative and entertaining.

      Ours is an often solitary hobby and it is a good thing that the Internet has abolished borders and distance. Although we will likely never meet I think that you would be a right jolly fellow to game with. Thank you for your kind words and keep gaming!
