Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Up For Grabs Part III 1/300 WW2 Aircraft CLOSED

    I have been digging around locating the rest of the sub-15mm stuff. I knew that I had this box hiding in the back corner of The Vault but it took me a couple of days to locate it (it didn't help that it was mislabeled and in the wrong space!). These come from a series of false-starts; an effort to play Avalon Hill's B-17, Queen of the Skies with minis, a brief fascination with the early airwar over the Pacific and a short-lived interest in the British air-arm.

     The usual rules apply, leave a comment claiming the set of minis that you would like and then email me at daftrica 89 @ yahoo . com with your address. No payment required. My only demand is that you donate whatever the postage costs to a local Veterans Charity.

Buffaloes in the Tropics
      I always had a soft spot for the Brewster Buffalo, from several account I have read British pilots loved it. So I collected a squadron of Buffaloes and a set of Japanese planes for them to shoot at. I got the Buffaloes done and a few Japanese aircraft but stalled when I went looking for rules.

B-17,  Queen of the Skies
 I got these for an aborted attempt to get my gaming group to play a full campaign of B-17 Queen of the Skies where we would each be the crew of a different B-17. They were nice enough models and they painted up pretty well but that was the sum of it.

Odd British Stuff
     A very brief interest, combined with a visit to I-94 Enterprises stand at Pro Or Con, left me with this odd collection of British aircraft. I even bought the decals. I have no recollection of what I was planning when I bought these.

Odd Die-Cast Stuff
        I don't recall where these came from or why. They are very sturdy and look sort of like C-47s


  1. I would be very interested in your Buffalos in the Tropics and off British stuff please. How to do contact info? Thank you.


    1. The WW2 Air in the Pacific stuff is yours

      send an email to daftrica 89 @ yahoo . com

  2. Anton, if they haven't gone already, might I get the German and British aircraft? Thanks, Jon (PS As with the foam ship you did for me, the Royal British Legion will be the recipient of your generosity.)

    1. HughJarse (love the name BTW)
      I will send you the British aircraft, the Germans are a set with the B-17s so I can't break then up.

      I deleted all of the stuff from the ship giveaway so please send me an email with your current address.

      P.S. How did the boat turn out? I only ever finished two of them, and promptly gave one away to a friend.

  3. Interested in the B-17 Queen of the Sky planes

    1. Send me an email with your current mailing address and they are yours
