Justice&Rule (known here largely as J&R) has long been a fan of the Reaper "Bones" series and has collected most of the prior issues. He has added "Bones" version IV to his collection and brought the box by the other night to show off his new toys. And what a collection of minis is is! I just wish that they would do a similar Kickstarter for an historical figure line (Vikings spring to mind, complete with Norse Gods, a meadhall and a couple of small boats). I turn the narrative over to him.....
here it is! 33lbs of minis!
that is an ambitious painting schedule!
very full indeed!
some of those bags have over a dozen figures in them
this isn't even the full amount of packages; they had stuffed some of
the extra sets into different boxed packages, which we didn't know until
after we got to them. |
Baba Yaga's Hut and Argent the Silver Dragon |
this promises to look astounding when it is painted
the detail is very good
you can't just have one
you have to have a herd! |
the Anklyosaurus, as bigger model than I ancipiated,
and the tail doesn't dry fit well for the picture. |
clever girls... |
sort of a generic giant lizard thing. |
a... thing... from the Dreadmere package. |
Reaper's version of the Krell, sadly lacking the beak. |
Kaladrax, a rather impressively-sized bone dragon. |
Carnotaurus! |
crab thing,
seafood would be less popular if crabs really looked like this |
King of the Jungle |
bravely, he advances on the cavebear... |
courageously, he attacks the terrorbird... |
"Oh damn it, I guess if I don't have a shoe this rock will work..." |
just imagine the XP! |
at least it's less threatening- |
-or not. |
*URP* |
it's a wonder we ever made it out of caves sometimes.. |
The above pictures barely do justice to the massive amount of figures that came in the box. For any fantasy player these sort of Kickstarters are an incredible value. At about two dollars a figure (some of which are nearly a foot tall!) you can obtain a year's worth of painting and a lifetime's worth of figures. Reaper just keeps cranking these out and all credit to them and their loyal customers because the largest part of the figures are then available to the general public (not at the deeply discounted price, mind you). The previous three offerings were a similar value. If you play fantasy, Victorian Science fiction/horror or Pulp adventures these will certainly be of interest to you.
Very Highly Recommended
Baba Yaga's Hut is amazing! I have always loved Triceratops too.