Thursday, August 15, 2024

Things Have Gone To Hull, redux


        I was sitting in the workshop glumly contemplating painting the windows on all those buildings I had made for the built up areas for DBA when I decided to take a break and do something entirely different. DBA rules allow for shorelines and waterways and also allow for ships to navigate them. Thus I needed ships (we will talk about waterways later). A quick look at some basic references refreshed my idea of what a trireme looked like and I was off the the races!

first I grabbed a slab of green board and sketched a hull outline on it
roughly five inches long and three-quarters of an inch wide

a quick visit with Proxxie and I had the rough shape cut out

a slightly longer visit with Mr 60 Grit refined the shape
another visit with Proxxie and I had  six hulls about 3/8ths of an inch thick
the next step was to make the hull sides, 
card is easier than ultra-thin bluebopard to cut accurately  
so I got out my 3x5 cards with graphs printed on them
test-fitting is quicker and easier than ultra-accurate measurements
so I test and trim the hull sides until I'm happy

a quick dab of my trusty Titebond carpenter's glue and we were in business
the next step was rowers banks, just a quarter-inch square strip glued to the side
double-checking to be sure they look right
       I could have printed these out on my 3D printer but that would have taken upwards of six hours. I have about 90 minutes invested so far, all they need are deck-houses, masts and paint and they will be ready for play.

a few minutes with a paintbrush and they were ready to go 
I might go looking for some 1/300 Romans that I can print to populate the deck....

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