Thursday, August 29, 2024

25mm Hinchliffe Indian Chariots

         I decided to dip back into painting ancients by finishing off my collection of 25mm Hinchliffe Indians. I have been toting these minis around for nigh unto forty years now and have only gotten some infantry painted and based. These chariot models have been doing service in a state of nakedness (based and primed but nary a spot of paint) for simply ages, it was time that they had their status upgraded. I sat myself down and started work, I kept an example of one of the painted figures from the army in hand so that I could make an effort to match the style of the existing troops. After three days of steady work I had my six chariots finished and I am rather pleased with them. The simplistic style of the minis argued for a simple approach to painting, much like my "toy soldier" approach that I used on my 3-D printed Swiss, so I stuck with bold colors applied in a blocky style.

I have a few more, as yet unassembled,  to fill out the list and give my subgenerals a ride

these will bring a splash of color to an otherwise rather sedate palette 

all that remains is for The Housemartin to get back to our regularly scheduled 
Thursday morning "Old Dudes and Old Rules" WRG 6th Ed. ancients games


  1. They look just fine. Chariots are pain to assemble, etc., but they look so impressive on the tabletop!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, These old soft-lead minis ARE a pain to try to build. Just trying to figure out what some of the twisted lumps were supposed to be is a challenge. The remaining items are in much better state
