Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Swiss Get The Rest Of Their Guns, plus a parade of the entire force

        I managed to get enough free time to complete the three remaining artillery companies for my Swiss contingent. This completes the artillery and also the entire project. Ten battalions and four (under-strength) artillery companies, I only wish there were some cavalry to round out the force balance. 

        I keep being tempted to print out three more battalions and another battery to round out the Swiss forces for Merle's Division for the 1812 campaign in Russia (although, to complete Merle's Division, that would also require another French regiment and some provisional Croatian troops, a total of six more battalions). I resist this temptation, for the moment.

each regiment get one model gun to represent the two cannons that were attached

the whole force as a group, 
I have a couple of regiments of Chassuers a Cheval somewhere that I could add


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