Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Neufchatel Battalion gets it's gun

        I painted the artillery for the Neufchatel Battalion first mainly due to the fact that it was the only one that I had any hard info on. There is a painting showing them with yellow facings and blue coats and breeches. Not a lot to work with but better than the rest. For the remaining three artillery companies I am going to dig a little but, failing further info, I will have to resort to painting them like French artillerymen. The other regiments have to make-do with just one company of two guns (reduced to one for my purposes to scale with the units)

hot (literally) off the printer two more batteries are ready for the clean-up process

fortunately the bizarre looking supports snap off easily


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray! They will look a lot smoother with the fine tip attached. Not that I'm going to print another 240 !
