Monday, July 8, 2024

Why Wasn't I Warned??????


what have I gotten myself into?

        So, I downloaded some STL files of Napoleonic infantry to give it a try on my 3-d printer. The figure that I printed was no award-winner but it cost less that a couple of pennies. Just for grins I populated the entire print-bed with the file and told my printer to get to work. It was humming away quite purposefully when I went to bed. This morning I awoke to a small army of minis that I now must paint. Not wanting to endure the endless blue of French units I have decided to make this the Swiss contingent; coat colors like red or yellow are much more interesting! I just need to round up an STL for foot artillery and I will be all set!


  1. Dude your insane... you have drank the Kool-Aid and gone down the 3D printer rabbit hole. I wonder when you will surface again.

    1. I have one battalion almost done, I'm working my way through painting the coats right now. About 2/3 way done.
