Thursday, July 25, 2024

Straight off the painting table and into the fire, The Swiss face the test of battle!

looking east, the Prussians on the right, the Swiss face them on the left

      After holding a review and parade this morning for my newly-minted Swiss I decided to set up a game to test their mettle in battle. The scenario is "somewhere in Germany in 1813". The reconstituted Swiss face the Prussians. Assembled as a strong Division the Swiss are confronted by two of the large "brigades" (a division in anyone else's army) and must cover Napoleon's northern flank. I found my old unit of Chassuers a Cheval and gave them to the Swiss, just so they have some sort of cavalry. The Prussians have three small units of dragoons. This will be largely an infantryman's fight.

from the Prussian side, looking south

the Swiss array calmly faces the onrushing Germanic hordes