Thursday, July 11, 2024

Epic Scale Ancients, a quick look at the new Warlord offerings


      An old fart like me isn't apt to be jumping ship to pick these up and build armies (I have 40,000+ minis in 15mm and 28mm), but if I were coming into the hobby new I would be on this like white on rice! Warlord has, once again, managed to make tiny figures that capture the look of the historic soldiers. The models are crisply cast and well detailed and rank up to look like historical formations. I plan on building DBA armies with them because why not? Let's take a look at some of the sprues.

Carthaginians, Side A,
 citizen soldiers with the round shields, Spanish allies with the long shields
 and some light troops with Moorish and citizen cavalry

Carthaginians, side B

Romans, side A, 
close-order troops designed to be built as blocks in very tight formation, some skirmishers and cavalry

Romans, side B

 Allies, side A, 
 What looks like Italian ally foot and some Spanish foot and horse and foot
 with light archers and slingers
Allies, side B
       Nicely detailed, the light troops are very actively posed while the formed bodies look solid and ready for battle. Very well done and very attractively priced.

       Highly Recommended


  1. Warlord/WI got me this way with a freebie sprue of Scots Covenanters... they're not going to catch me again, oh no! Mind you the sprue I got this week does look very nice....

    1. I avoided that by trading them away for larger scale sprues.....still ended up buying stuff but at least it was in a scale I was already playing

  2. 5/6mm never looked so good! Now that is temptation.

    1. These are a strange 10/11mm size (when I paint them I will get a shot with something for scale) but they sure do look good. I'm going to make two DBA armies out for the forces here. With some tiny terrain they should fit nicely in a small box as a travel game
