Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Toy Soldiers on Parade


Berthier's "Canaries", the Swiss Neufchatel Battalion

       Having foolishly printed out nine battalions worth of minis I found myself having to paint them. Unable to endure that much blue paint I decided instead to paint the Swiss troops that fought under Napoleon. These were dressed largely in red coats but one bold stand-out was the troops from the Principality of Neufchatel (of which Napoleon had made Marshall Berthier the Prince). Yellow coats with bright red facings, cuffs and turnbacks was a delightfully long way away from dark blue and red cuffs so that was an instant choice.

       The minis are, well, rather simplistic. Rather than try to fight this with complex shading and highlights I have opted for a "toy soldier" approach; solid blocks of bold colors. this seems to fit the minis fairly well and greatly speeds painting! I will have to finish these and see how well I like them, but I have to say, they are giving me happy memories of playing with toy soldiers as a child.


  1. OH MY! Now THAT is how you populate a table. You can have all your "individuals", the entire idea of Napoleonic era was uniform, they literally (in theory) all did the same thing at the same time! Now you have historical accuracy!!

    1. There will be ten battalions along with artillery when I'm done, it is too bad that there were no Swiss horse, they would be a force unto themselves
