Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Warlord Epic Ancients used for DBA, painting and terrain completed UPDATED


as with so many of my projects this got a little out of hand,
 I ended up with a LOT more than a couple dozen bases

       With the soul-crushing tedium of painting the minis out of the way I could turn my attention to a subject I truly enjoy; terrain! Having already sent out hills and woods with the  2D Pike and Shot  game I could concentrate on buildings. 

       As this all started with a sprue of Romans it seemed proper to start with a Roman base camp in the manner of a Roman marching fort. The dimensions were compressed to fit into the area allowed under the rules for such a camp. This left the model a little truncated but it still bears the hallmarks of the temporary fort that the Romans built  at the end of each day's march.

my trusty friend Proxxie cut the foam board in an instant

to be a proper sized model the sides would need to be about a foot longer

next was a BUA (built up area) these feature heavily in the DBA campaign rules

I designed it so that it would break down into two smaller ones
 if the scenario required villages instead of a town

I was on a roll at this point and forgot to take any pictures of the hillfort in progress 
and just jumped ahead to painting them

then I started on the villages

adding doors and windows will be tedious 

       Can't really say what will be next, maybe some rocky ground or stream/shoreline sections. Perhaps some ships?

       UPDATE 08/16/24  Turned out to be ships (I also got around to painting all those windows and doors). As a result of that I must do some river/waterway/shoreline before I can drop this in the mail. I have to say that the villages look much better with windows and doors.

innocent enough looking,  but danger lurks therein!
the contents of those boxes, the only remaining items are the waterways

and these boats, they are waiting for their paint to dry

       This ends the "Anton's good Deed for the Year" episodes, I will be returning to my regularly scheduled selfishness. I've been eyeing a pile of Hinchliffe Ancient Indians in 25mm that I found lurking in a corner of The Vault. Perhaps I will go Old School and paint them to match my existing minis; heck, they have only been waiting for forty-five years!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, I constantly fight the urge to fancy-up the detail. Too much and it is too fragile to survive use, not enough and it ends up disappointing.
