Monday, August 28, 2023

Aaaaand They're Done!


       It's not really that close to the wire, I shot them with matte coat yesterday and was just waiting for it to dry before sending them off to barracks. Not much of a force (the Romans really didn't much go for cavalry and light troops - at least not in the glory days) these guys are just rounding out the packs that I had opened during my foolish "an army in two days" attempt. Two weeks was a more reasonable estimate; all in all I managed 112 Legionnaires, 37 assorted barbarian types, 30 Auxilia and ten mounted figures. There still are some minis left over but I think that I will paint them as Auxilia to even out the force.

all the minis are old Falcon miniatures except the general, he hails from RAFM


  1. 28mm Romans? or 15mm. If 28mm I have quite a few Romans and Viking figures mounted and painted.
