Tom from Texas was kind enough to host the game last Saturday and, as is his wont, put on a large ACW battle featuring his massive collection of 15mm minis. The situation was complicated due to a power outage from some local storms but, through herculean efforts, Tom had arranged a generator would be on hand to provide power and the game could proceed as planned. Pleas excuse the dark pictures in the post below, circumstances were less than optimal. The game was played using Fire & Fury rules with four players to a side.
Despite my strident protestations I was placed in charge of the Union cavalry. As I predicted this was a poor choice, as much as I love cavalry I am simply out of my depth when conducting operations beyond a straightforward charge. Our primary objective to to take control of the crossroads to facilitate the march toward Richmond (off to the left in the following pictures). I drove my Division forward leaving a single brigade dismounted along the road to cover the following infantry debouching from the defile. I my haste I misjudged the distance that the Rebel cavalry could move and my lead brigade was caught in the flank by the enemy onslaught and shattered (actually the cowards largely surrendered)
opening moves, Union cavalry arrived along the road at the bottom right
then dashed headlong down the road
the Rebs saw their chance and charged the inattentive Union troopers,
breaking them in and instant
having shattered the first brigade the Rebs turned toward the following Union brigade
after overrunning the artillery battery left in the roadway
having seen the approaching threat the Union second brigade put up a better fight
but was thrown back and had to rally east of the highway
the much fought over Union artillery battery
it never moved or fired a shot the rest of the game
as the Union cavalry rallied the infantry poured onto the battlefield from both sides  |
the Rebel cavalry dismounts and forms a screen to protect the infantry division on the road to Richmond, while the Union cavalry reforms and the Infantry slowly advance (bad die rolling!)
the Union brigades react by forming a screen for the divisions continuing on the road and exchanging fire the Rebels, this fire was largely ineffectual
at the fork, the dismounted Rebel cavalry is charged by the mounted Union cavalry and pushed back and the infantry of both sides advance towards the crossroads
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Union forces form up on the intersection, further down the line they continue to exchange fire with the immovable Rebel cavalry, the hardy Confederate cavalry did sterling work slowing the Union advance
rebels seize the red brick building in town, this would be occupied for many turns to come | , | |
despite Union efforts to shoot the Confederates out of the position
as the center divisions began to contest the village at the crossroads the southern (left edge in these pictures) division began a foot-race to outflank their opposing numbers
after continued pressure, the Rebel cavalry is pushed off the road and into the farm fields, at the far end, the Rebel cavalry holds its ground and with support from the Rebel infantry, continues to tie up a Union division. |
the race begins in earnest! Both Union and Confederate forces entering at the road begin the long push toward Richmond! |
despite taking few casualties, the Rebel cavalry grows tired of the disorder/rally cycle and falls back to remount, their dogged defense would be taken up by the Confederate infantry division who would serve just as admirably, Union pressure was inexorable but slow
in the center the opposing divisions battered away at one another,
possession of the brick tavern provided a solid anchor to the Rebel line
on the right the Union cavalry also began to disengage and move south
in the green farm fields, the "unintentional grand battery" begins to form. This was as far as the Confederate guns could move before they began to become exposed to the Union infantry threat. The dismounted Rebel cavalry formed up with the guns as they arrived to add to their protection. |
Union and Confederate forces square off near the town as each covers the rapid advance of the divisions behind, the frantic race to the south continues
reorganized Union pressure on the flank begins to curl the Rebels back towards the woods, the Union pressure was constant but marred by poor dice rolling, the Rebs hung on like pit-bulls
Union forces surge in the center of the battlefield, pushing the Rebels further back into the fields, the Rebs continued to hold the tavern which was a constant thorn in the Union side |
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the remounted Rebel cavalry from the flank push through the fields to help alleviate Union numerical superiority near the town, the Confederate guns continue to lash the Union foot with fire but are hampered by erratic die rolls
Confederate forces have been pushed back into a new line, with the forces occupying the red brick building keeping the intersection in contention, to the south (left) the Union troops are pulling ahead to the Confederate advance
with both Union and Confederate vanguards in sight of each other, the final stage of the battle becomes set, can the Union troops turn the Confederate flank and control the road to Richmond?
And Then The Power Came Back On!
The Union forces near the Rebel artillery battery decide to push off toward Richmond, leaving the mopping up duty to the last infantry division and its own artillery. The Union artillery changes tactics and begins to concentrate it's counter-battery fire on a single target, eliminating it. This expends their ammunition supply and would have to fall back. Not to be outdone, the Confederate guns do likewise, eliminating a Union gun, but also run low on ammo. |
battlelines are drawn out and the final battle begins |
with both Confederate and Union guns withdrawn to the rear for resupply, the flank falls (relatively) quiet, the remnant Rebel infantry, outnumbered, begins to fall back after concentrated Union charges. |
phenomenal Confederate shooting slaughters the Union line across the road, but the Union flanking maneuver is already beginning to take shape and the Union cavalry are moving south
The Union forces fighting in the fields begin to slow, but will be eventual winners. The Rebel cavalry assists near the town, both screening the flank of the red brick building as well as occupying the white ale-house across the road. |
On the Richmond flank, the Union forces would mount decisive charges in response to the Confederate shooting. Eventually turning the flank and silencing the Rebel yell. In the center, the Confederate forces rally and are of decent size, but will always be outnumbered by their Northern counterparts. | | |
Excellent looking game, I like games like this where it is in the balance all the way through