Tuesday, August 15, 2023

All Roads Lead To Rome, or at least to a Roman Army?

        At times I am subject to fits of madness, acts of folly that lead people to question if I should be institutionalized. As a child they were seen as the actions of a rambunctious boy, in my teenage years they were viewed as acts of rebellion. Now, as a senior-citizen they are likely to be considered to be the product of approaching senility. But I know the ugly truth, sometimes I just make stupid decisions. 

       The most recent of these is a by-product of my Thursday games with my best friend, The Housemartin. Our weekly forays into the mysteries of WRG 6th Edition have pointed out the stunning gap in my miniature collection; I possess no Roman armies. Yes, I do have post-Roman Britons and quite a good many Byzantines, but there are no true Romans of any flavor, Republican or Imperial, on my shelves. Last night I decided to try to remedy that inadequacy with the idea of having them ready for Thursday's game, I ventured into The Vault and approached the Mountain of Shame and after thirty minutes of shifting lead I had assembled a significant group of Romans. 

first up was an old Falcon Miniatures Marian Roman DBA pack

next was this collection of AR codes from Hinchliffe 
(AR was their Ancient Roman series, but these guys look decidedly barbaric)

the contents of the Falcon pack will give me a start on the infantry

then I was saved by these bags from Old Glory

       So far I have the barbarians and the Falcon minis based and primed. With luck I can get the Old Glory stuff squared away by bedtime and get some paint on the others. If I crush it tomorrow and paint all night they might just be ready in time. Basing details will have to wait for a later time.


  1. Quite the deep pockets in your collection.

    1. Along the way I found my war-elephant collection and two Scythed-chariot models that had gone missing a couple of decades ago!

  2. Well that's a timeline you've got if there ever was one. Rome really will be built in a day!

    Looking forwarding to seeing your progress.

  3. Hell, I got a massive Roman and Gauls armies. They are just gathering dust. Plus, a couple of unfinished roman fort.
