Friday, August 25, 2023

So, I was wrong.....


the Falcon Miniatures Roman DBA army that I painted ages ago

       As I sat painting my current batch of Romans there was a a nagging thought that I had, at some time in the past, painted Romans. I did some commission work ages past but that wasn't what was bothering me. I just knew that I had a Roman army tucked away somewhere. I dug through the wall of boxes that I keep my painted minis in without success. I checked the "deep storage" area behind the Pile of Plastic Embarrassment without luck. Frustrated, I returned to the game room to ponder and found, peering at me from the back corner of the display case, a Roman army that I had painted to play DBA back when that was a new thing. So, yes, I was wrong, I did have some Romans. I have since added this merry band to my box of Romans as I grind away at finishing the batch on the painting table.

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