Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Back to the Bastle House project, interiors


I am Ivor Ironchin, I would like to show you my house, an old Wargames Factory Viking takes the tour

        After a long hiatus I have returned to my labors at the Bastle House Project. The experiment with the Small House interior having been satisfactory I continued to use the approach on the much larger house. First, floors were installed and painted in all three levels of the model. Then matte board was cut to fit on the interior walls of the house (be careful to take account of the thickness of the card when making measurements) then laid out flat. The interior face of the wall was sketched out and built onto the flat surface.

       Once construction was completed the wall sections were then painted and carefully inserted into the corresponding floor to check for fit and finish. Assured that my measurements were correct the messy business of gluing the interiors in place began. As usual I used my old stand-by, Titebond Carpenter's Wood Glue, this was spread thin and allowed to dry to the point of being tacky while I applied glue to the back of the interior wall section. this was also allowed to dry for a while before being carefully inserted into the model.

like stage sets, the walls were built flat before being installed
 the window alcoves were drawn in forced perspective
gluing is a messy business, yes, I am like a child and spread it with my fingers

the inside of the wall got it's share of glue as well

then the two were joined, I will go back and tidy-up the top edge of the wall with black paint

next was the fireplace wall

then the small ends of the room, the tile floor is this squares of BlueBoard

the kitchen and stables interiors were built in-situ

the complete model

each floor can be removed as play moves up or down

the interior details were all constructed out of BlueBoard

Ivor really likes the roominess of the Great Hall, space for the entire clan

and it has a fireplace to die for!
the whole shooting match together, not quite finished but nearly so!

       A spiral stairway and some weathering is all that remains to finish this project. I really enjoy large projects such as this and hope that the Zhodani Commando enjoys a good many games of midnight cattle rustling with his Border-Raiders.


  1. Oh Yeah! My Brother, you are the master of scratch build! I can't wait to get my hands on these and give the game a spin. Today I was painting up sheep in between building a Reaver Titan for Adeptus Titanicus.


  2. That is coming along wonderfully!
