This time around we were using the Third (gray) book of armies, Anton chose the Anglo-Normans, and I chose the Ming Chinese. I had decided before we chose which book that I wanted to get the Chinese back on the table so since there is only one Chinese army in the gray book the matter was settled by the choice of books for me. However, I knew Anton would bring LOADS of EHI and 2HCW's so how to contend with what I knew was coming was my issue. On the positive, this time at least we remembered to take a picture of the initial deployment. Anton and I had a draw for Scouting points (57:47 in Anton's favor) so we simultaneously deployed from our respective right flanks.
Looking at the photo above Anton's army is as follows (left to right).
48 total figures, 12 x dismounted knights IB, EHI, JLS & Sh; 24 x Fyrd IC, MI & Sh, half 2HCW, half JLS; 12 x Archers IC, LI, B hence forth known as "Blob 1"
Recessed behind the infantry are 10 x Knights, IB, HC, L & Sh, henceforth known as "Nob 1"
Next is a second Infantry blob exactly the same as the first blob, henceforth known as "Blob 2"
Immediately behind Blob 2 is the Sacred Army Standard of St Cuthbert in an Ox cart.
Recessed behind the infantry and to the right of the Ox Cart is "Nob 2" (more mounted knights)
Next comes Blob 3, exactly the same as Blob 1 again.
Finally on Anton's "extreme" right are his 20 x armored crossbowmen, IC, LHI, CB
For my troops, I decided to maximize my 2 handed cut and thrust (2HCT) potential to try and negate his EHI and lighter 2HCW troops, thus it was massive Korean allies for me!
Once again Left to right.
52 Chinese foot, 20 x RB, HI, 2HCT, 16 x RC, MI, JLS & Sh, 16 x RC, MI, B & Pavise Here after known as "Chop Suey"
32 Chinese foot, 20 x RC, MI, B & Pa; 12 x RC, MI, CB & Pa (this mess met my other Chinese foot requirements) here after known as "Shot Suey"
48 Koreans, 16 x IB, HC (dismounted), 2HCT & B; 14 x IC, MI, LTS; 12 x IC, MI, B; 6 x IC, MI, 2HCW here after known as "Kimchi 1"
48 Koreans, 15 x IB, HC (dismounted), 2HCT & B; 14 x IC, MI, LTS; 12 x IC MI, B; 6 x IC, MI, 2HCW and my Korean Ally General (HC, 2HCT & B) here after known as "Kimchi 2"
Behind "Chop Suey is my CinC and his 2 bodyguards (all RA, EHC, L, B, Sh) with my PA standard.
Cowering behind "Kimchi 2" are my: useless, worthless, mangy, flea infested, pox riddled, plague carrying, urine stained, "brown pants wearing"12xCavalry, RB, HC, L, B, Sh henceforth simply "GITS"
On turn One (above) Anton's troops boldly advanced across the field. Meanwhile thanks to a wrinkle in the rules recently discovered which allows regular "close order" infantry to fight in terrain without disorder, (but still move slowly), "Chop Suey" advanced into the woods, "Shot Suey" advanced to the edge of the village, and "Kimchi 1 & 2" crested the gentle hill to the right of the village. Meanwhile the "Manky GITS" began a lazy move around Anton's Right flank (a move they would NEVER complete!

Turn Two (above) saw Anton attempt to manuver "Blobs 2 & 3" to their right to get clear shots at my units on the gentle hill ("Kimchi 1 & 2). "Blob 1" continued its advance straight ahead. The Crossbowmen took station on top of the steep hill and Anton's "Nobs 1" moved into the gap forming between "Blobs 1 & 2". On my side, "Chop Suey" continued their trudge in the woods. "Shot Suey" and both "Kimchi 1 & 2" stood to and opened fire. The "GITS" slowly meandered forward. Shooting at range was desultory for both sides, although my troops generally did better due to their denser formation for casualty output and Pavises for protection. Everyone passed the resultant morale tests.

Turn Three (above) saw Anton press forward with all three "Blobs" and issue a charge for his "Nobs 1" on my "helpless" missile troops in the village. Meanwhile, my flouncing "GITS" rounded the gentle hill and took up position to pour fire into the crossbowmen on the steep hill, in combination with "Kimchi 2" I had high hopes of shooting the crossbowman out of the position on the high ground, wow was I to be disappointed! In the woods on the left "Chop Suey" began the wheel to fall on "Blob 1". In the missile fire between the hills Anton chose to pour his crossbow bolts into my "Gits". The combined fire of my units did push Anton's crossbowmen into a "no advance", morale situation, but since they had NO intention of advancing this hardly mattered.

In their test for first being fired upon, my foul breathed "GITS" rolled a SIX on three average dice (numbered 2-5 with double 3 & 4)! The absolute lowest number they could possibly roll. Even though they were "B" class troops they lost their nerve, became shaken and refused to advance!
This could have been a catastrophe that unraveled my army, but instead my "Shot Suey" unit unloaded into Anton's "Nobs 1" and rolled the absolute best they could roll (up three). Meanwhile Anton managed to roll a "down two", but his "B" class "Nobs" can not actually do worse than "down one". When casualties were calculated Anton lost 3 of his "Nobs" (30%) and the unit broke for safety.

Turn Four, saw my "Chop Suey" clear the wood line. Anton's "Blob 1" was forced to take a surprise sighting test for "Chop Suey's" appearance and even with two sources of unfriendly cover (woods and village) AND a routing friend Anton's dice heated up and "Blob 1" carried on with manly vigor! This allowed Anton's "Blob 1" to begin the process of turning to face "Chop Suey" and our missile troops exchanged "pleasantries". Meanwhile, Anton dispatched "Bob 2"to assist "Blob 1" with this new threat. "Blobs 2 & 3" continued forward. I chose to have "Kimchi 1" turn to their rear and wheel to align themselves with the slowly approaching "Blob 2" and the fire fight continued on the right flank between my "Kimch 2" and "GITS" against Anton's Crossbowmen. Once again, my troops overall got the better of the exchange, but my "Gits" lost another figure.
This picture (above) shows the entire battle field on turn four.
Turn five saw Anton's "Blob 1" and my "Chop Suey" charge into each other. The result of this combat was that "Blob 1" was pushed back. As I pursued, I saw what Anton was planning with "Nob 2" so as I pursued I expanded my spearmen from "Chop Suey" as far as possible to try and deal with Anton's cavalry as best I could (big mistake on my part). Otherwise Anton continued his ponderous "Blob forward" movement. The missile fire continued on the right. This was the "GITS" third turn under fire so they had to take another morale test and passed it this time, but lost another figure to missile fire.
Oh, and to add insult to injury my "Shot Suey" let lose a volley into the backs of "Nob 1" causing them to fail their attempt to rally and carry onward routing off the board.
Turn Six was a bad turn for my army. The combination of "Blob 1" and "Nob 2" proved too much for "Chop Suey" and they were pushed back (probably should not have given Anton a larger target to hit). Meanwhile "Blob 2" finally managed to charge into my "Kimchi 1". In that resultant fight, "Kimchi 1" came off the loser and was pushed back.

Turn Seven dawned looking bad for my forces and when the dice were rolled my situation collapsed on Anton's left. "Chop Suey" lost for a second turn and broke and ran into the woods. Anton's troops stopped at the woods edge wisely. The only thing worse that EHI in woods, is cavalry in woods. In the center I decided to stake everything on a desperate move and declared a charge on Anton's Sacred Army standard (he had continued to drift it forward over the game). The only thing he had to try and stop my atrocity against St Cuthbert was to charge my CinC and body guard with his own CinC and body guard. In that resultant fight my CinC and friends (I had 2 body guard figures) broke Anton's CinC and friend (Anton only had one bodyguard). Further to the right, the dice gods decided they liked my bold action and rewarded me by having Anton roll down 1 with "Blob 2" while my "Kimchi 1" rolled UP FOUR, the best roll in the game! The result was that not only did my recoiling Koreans reverse the tide of their fight, they outright broke Anton's "Blob 2" and caught them as (Blob 2" attempted to flee from our "Kimchi Might"!
Finally, Anton's crossbowman, seeing their general rout, were forced to take a morale test and they failed it, also routing for home. This left "Blob 3" facing my "Kimchi 1", "Kimchi 2", and "GITS". Anton declared the game over regardless of his success on the left flank.
Well that about sums this up. Join us next time as we peruse the first book of Armies for another round of WRG Ancients.
Another defeat for Anton again. I believe WRG is not his strongest rule set. Again beaten in the last die roll again.
ReplyDeleteNot the last roll at all!
DeleteMy dice were terrible all day; even with secure flanks, advancing self and friends, advancing general in command range and an advancing sacred army standard I couldn't get my troops to be enthusiastic about the fight. In addition to lousy morale results I rolled down as much as possible most of the time. Time to get new dice!
Saying "Anton's dice were cold" is an insult to dead fish that had lain on the deck of a North Sea Trawler for FAR too long. Anton's dice were so cold they would have frozen the Nile River solid, mud and all, at noon on a sunny summer day!