Monday, September 2, 2024

Emergency Testing A Scenario, I find myself unprepared for the Convention season; ACW naval at 1/600th scale

        An offhand comment when I was last talking with Zhodani Commando brought to my attention that I have not prepared an unusual and interesting game to present this convention season. Oh The Shame! Frankly four weeks will not provided enough time to produce an entirely new game so I am forced to fall back on a previous offering, it truly is a shame. My first thought was to dust off the Siege of Castillo San Marcos as it has been a few years since anybody has seen that set-up. Then it occurred to me that it would be easier to run a naval game (terrain is SO much easier) and it had been a dog's age since I ran my ACW naval game. In light of that thought I worked out a scenario of subtle complexity that might just satisfy. Of course I made the Saturday night guys playtest it!

the impatient Confederates come out to play

the Union Navy had other plans and a lucky shot hit Fort Gaines magazine,
 the explosion was thunderous

both navies felt it necessary to fight in the narrows, 
there was much contact but little actual damage from the collisions 
       This scenario might just do the job but I miss the spectacle of a lavish game! Ideas? Should I revive the Castillo game?

        Awaiting input

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