Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Last of the Indian Archers

the simplicity of the uniform greatly speeds painting

        Between model airplanes I am still grinding away at the unpainted 25mm Indian minis. Here are the last of the infantry archers. Now all that remains is the slingers and all of the foot will be completed. Remaining items are three more chariots and a bunch of elephants.

I am quite happy to have finally gotten these lads painted

I now have more archers than are allowed under the WRG lists
this makes me happy for some reason
years ago I had a friend that put far more work into painting the backs of his troops than he applied to their front, his reasoning was that he hoped to spend more time with them facing the enemy than running toward him, it makes sense when you think about it

1 comment:

  1. These models look amazing, looking forward to seeing the whole army with Chariots and Elephants.
    And as for painting the backs better, that is such a a good idea!
