Saturday, September 21, 2024

Pachyderms and Potpourri


I got the elephants that I have in hand finished and an odd assortment of others too

        I my rummaging around looking for my errant elephants I ended up digging through a box of minis that have been in storage "for a while" (think that warehouse at the end of Indiana Jones). In the process of this I came across some minis whose packages were so old that the plastic bubble had broken down and shattered, leaving the minis loose on the bottom of the box. I took this as a sign that I should paint them. So I added them to the pile on the workbench and started plugging away. This reminded me of just how much progress has been made in the last forty years in the field of miniature design and casting. Most of these minis were simply horrid. But I had taken the step so there was no going back.

 some "interesting-looking" figures right to left;
an English longbowman and Spanish sword and buckler from Campaign Figures
 a Cossack axeman and a Polish infantryman from Hinchliffe
some rather nicer (and newer) Roman Command from the old RAFM range

       Now I must decide whether I am going to confront the Indian cavalry or seek solace in styrene....

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