Saturday, October 5, 2019

A Productive Evening

the guys at Michigan Toy Soldier are taking their What A Tanker game to the desert and needed a few buildings so I knocked out a half dozen as well as a start on an oasis and some dunes

then I finished painting the other two brigs
 from Warlord Games magazine cover giveaway

     Not too bad for a couple of hours of free time....... it sure beat watching TV!


  1. That shames me. I've had a new 6mm city on my desk for a few months. I've fixed the cork bark to make a rugged hill base but got no further.

  2. A. Rey productive evening, indeed

    How do you like the plastic ships for Black Seas?

    1. The Black Seas models are very nice; they assemble easily, have good detail, parts fit is first-rate (pardon the pun). The odd scale means that they don't play well with others and they could have used molded sails (as per the Airfix kits from a half-century ago!).

      If you are starting out they are a good buy, otherwise there are too many people already using established scales to make this a wise choice.
