Trunkmonkey and R.U.P. were kind enough to donate their Saturday night to testing and critiquing my beta version of the Great War Tank hunter rules. We played two games, both ending in victory for the Germans and identified several areas of the rules that needed development/clarification. Unfortunately I was so busy sorting through my scribbled notes (i.e. the beta version of the rules) that I forgot to take any pictures. Thanks to R.U.P. for keeping a cooler head and snapping a few frames.
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Monday, September 28, 2020
First Test of the Great War Tank-Hunter rules
Gaming Update
There will be games on Thursday 1OCT20 at 7pm and again on Saturday 3OCT20 at 7pm as well
Thursday will see a land action in my 30 Years War Imaginations campaign,
Saturday's event is still to be determined
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Operation Barracks Blox
The other night as I was looking for a place to tuck my newly-painted German Great War Infantry into my Toy Room I stood looking at one of the many shelves packed with boxes of minis. They were packed away in their storage boxes; plastic shoe boxes mostly, that I had bought as need occurred. As I contemplated trying to wedge another box onto the already crowded shelf it occurred to me that the plastic shoe boxes were wasting a lot of valuable space, I mean a LOT of space.
Mistakes made, Lessons learned
I happened to be strolling through Hobby Lobby when I spotted a bright pink sign exclaiming "40% all Boxed Kits!". Intrigued I took a look and quickly spotted two Pirate Ships from Revell, a closed glance caused me to see that they were labelled as being 1/350th scale. I am always looking to enlarge my 1/350th fleets and thought that these would be a nice addition, and the thought that they were nearly half off caused me to buy both of the models available in the store.
A One Night Stand With Babs UPDATED
Having completed the WW1 German tank hunters I didn't much feel like painting any minis for a little while and, lacking the need for additional terrain, I was at a loss for something to turn my hand to. Without a wargaming project I decided to take a pass at Mount Plastic; an entirely unscientific method brought me to choose an LS model of the KI-15 "Babs" that was sitting on the top of the "Spats" pile.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Gaming Updates
We will be gaming this Saturday, 26SEP20 at 7pm
Be there, or be reviled behind your back!
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Mark IV....Once More
Having finished the German Stosstruppen there was nothing left but to turn my attention back to my scratchbuilt model Heavy Tank Mark IV. It had been left unattended since I started assembling the German infantry. Really, all it needed was a coat of paint and some weathering so it wasn't too bad an ordeal to get it finished. I decided to forgo the addition of rivets, there being about 1300 or so to add, and tiny rivets are quite the bother to make.
Saturday, September 19, 2020
A total loss of self-control......
About a half-century ago my Dad bought me a 1/72nd scale model of the Hawk P-6E. As we built it he explained that, as a child, he had seen this same type of plane flying out of Selfridge Field (then a grass landing strip, now an Air National Guard Base) with the Army Air Corps . My ten-year old's mind was fascinated by the aggressive appearance of the airplane with it out-thrust spatted landing gear painted to look like the outstretched claws of a Snow Owl. Ever since that formative moment I have always liked the look of fixed landing gear with aerodynamic spats, the bigger the better (Lockheed Vega wins hands down).
Friday, September 18, 2020
Hail! Hail! The Gang's All Here! The last of the Wargames Atlantic 28mm Tank Hunters
It took me a whole week but I have finally managed to get the rest of these guys painted. As happens with so many of my projects the closer that I got to completing the job the less enthusiasm I had for it. But I want to move on to other subjects so I forced myself to sit down and add the last little details that I had been putting off. One of the real joys of plastic figures is that they are so much easier to modify than metal ones, others might say that this is a good thing because you often get far less selection of poses in plastic, a point that I can't argue against. I made it a point while building these figures to be sure that I didn't create any duplicates, the kit is molded with arms in specific set and only has six torso/leg combinations so this took some planning (and not a little of chopping and repositioning). There were a couple of near-misses (let's face it; there are only so many ways to fire a rifle or throw a grenade) but no two of the same. I am rather pleased with the lot aside from the old-timer in the picklehaub, the pose strikes me as awkward......he might just get disassembled and re-positioned with different arms.
Thursday, September 17, 2020
20mm Strelets War of Spanish Succession French Musketeers Firing
Fresh off the presses we have the latest edition from Strelets in their 1700's series; French Musketeers Firing. Inside you will find 44 figures, 40 infantry and four command/standard bearers. These are molded in a stiff gray plastic that shows detail superbly. All of the figures are in useful poses and are well proportioned in realistic poses. This is the sort of thing that makes me regret having painted hundreds of 28mm figures a few years ago! These figures are simply beautiful, the level of detail is simply breath-taking.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Scratchbuilt 28mm WEX Flammenwurfer
28mm Great War Tank Hunter Part II The T-Gewehr
In an effort to give the Great War Panzer Jagers a fighting chance I decided to build them an anti-tank rifle. The famous Mauser T-Gewehr, a 35lb, 13.2mm monster that was essentially an upscaled Gew-98. It was the very first gun designed from the ground up to kill tanks and its performance at armor penetration was certainly up to the task. Capable of punching a hole in over 18mm of armor at 500m it was enough to take on even the heaviest of French or British tanks.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Gaming Update Saturday 12SEP20 1900hrs
All are welcome, bring your lucky dice!
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Wargames Atlantic Great War German Tank Hunters
A Stitch in Time....
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Better Than Ebay!
I have finally conceded that I really don't need to do WW2 in three scales on all fronts and covering both opposing sides. After due consideration I am thinning the herd. Right now there is a bunch of Russian Front stuff, mostly Russian but some German as well, along with a lone battery of US 155mm Long Toms. Click on the "Better Than Ebay" tab in the header (right next to "Home") and take a look at what I'm offering. Strictly first-come, first-served. with the deciding factor being when your email hits my inbox. Free shipping in the Continental U.S.