Friday, July 5, 2024

Trenches for the Quar: Part X, Barbed wire entanglements

        No trench warfare game would be complete without  barbed wire entanglements, and as everything else except crating was done, they moved to the top of the project list. From the artwork available the Quar take a far less energetic approach to setting wire entanglements than was usually seen on the Western front of the Great War. Often the wire is depicted as a single strand strung along a line of posts, or concertina wire laid out without benefit of posts. This didn't sit right with me so I decided to lay out the sections of wire as concertina wire emplaced with posts to secure it. These would be painted and textured to match as closely as possible the terrain boards.

I cut shapes from 8" sections of Eco-Rug and hot-glued posts to the sections,
these were then given a heavy coat of the dark ground-color house paint

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Happy Birthday USA!!!!


248 years old and still going strong!!!!

Greatest country on the planet

I hope everyone has a happy 4th of July!


       And just keep in mind that if it weren't for some seditious young hot-heads with guns you would still be bowing down to this thing;

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Gaming Update; My place at 7pm Saturday July 6th

     Not sure what we are playing just yet but we are gaming at 7pm this Saturday.

Be there, or we will talk about you as is you were!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Taking a Break From the Trenches: Building Wargames Atlantic 28mm Great War Russians

        And of course I couldn't just build them "straight out of the box".  I decided to build them as two twelve-man squads and an eleven-man squad and to pose them in as different as possible ways to make them easy to tell apart (I have no idea how well this will work out when I start in on the second box). There is one squad that is pretty much all-out assaulting at a run, one squad that is a firing-line and the last one is a grenadier squad that is all decked-out for close action in a trench. By wholesale stealing bits from the earlier boxes of minis I have built from WA it was possible to generate some very distinctive poses (never, ever throw away old bits, ever!)

the "running squad", of course there is a member of the minor nobility 
waving a sword and shouting just as if was the Napoleonic wars