Friday, July 10, 2020

It's the little ones that are tough!

       Another outburst of rigging, complicated this time by the size of the model. As the size of the ship gets smaller my fingers do not, this complicates matters and slows things down. Despite working at this most of the day I only got one model finished. Things were also slowed down by my decision to provide photos of my method of rigging, this found me constantly swapping back and forth between the phone and the model. I can close to dropping both of them on several occasions (the model would have been a tragedy, the phone is insured). Anyway, what follows passes for as good a tutorial as I can manage right now. I hope it helps.

actually, the first step is to carefully remove all of the sails from the model

it occurred to me that everything would be easier to see properly
 if I used a nice clean backdrop instead of my crusty old cutting board

for some reason the instructions run anti-clockwise from the upper left

I missed a photo at this point, Distance "G" is the line for the sheet line for the foretopsail, measure the distance "G", double it (plus a little bit) tie it just under the crowsnest on the mainmast (above the mainsail yard on the mainmast) then just glue the free ends to the tips of the foretopsail

same rigging plan as the big boy, half as much space to work in!


  1. Just beautiful! YOUR INSANE! But beautiful just the same. Just wow.


  2. It looks super, and no way am I ever attempting anything like it! :-)
