Monday, May 18, 2020

Dusty Projects XIV, Minifigs Polish Winged Hussars

cleaned, and ready to be primed 

       The Vault has surrendered one of it's oldest denizens to me. A drawer full of Old Minifigs Polish Winged Hussars dating back circa 1985AD. Tipping the scales at over three decades of patiently waiting to be painted they are still nice figures. They are a close threat to the Claude for being the longest on the "To Do" list. I will get these little beauties primed tomorrow morning and then it is back to the brushes!

mold plugs that have to be removed with real tools, 
ahh yes, I miss the good old days


  1. I still remember when these first came out - right about the first time I ever saw Winged Hussars on the table top at Charlie Sweet's home. I think his were 20 mm Alymer figures. He loved the Winged Hussars so much I think he had them in 15 mm, 20 mm, 25mm, 30 mm and 54 mm. Anyway, a big part of what got Joe and me started on the Renaissance all those years ago!

  2. Hey they are nice and exotic. You could use those instead of the Turks in your Epicurean campaign.

  3. They will appear as Exotic Easterners, returning to Epicurea after a long absence. While digging these guy out I found a mass of 15mm Ottomans, they will be heading to the painting bench soon.

  4. You know you just need to put your feet up and rest on occasion. Sometimes and Ottoman is just an Ottoman!

    1. Housemartin
      As soon as you can find me a Jannisary that is willing to go along with that I will give it a try ;)
